
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

From My Table To Yours...

Well I started The Silence of the Library by Miranda James last night, only meaning to read a chapter or two but I read to chapter 15, it was like a visit with an old friend and I hated to have it end but alas I had to go to sleep. My mother used to keep books on the table, stacked neatly and close. I think I understand now why she did. Having a book on your table is like having a close friend near by. My mother has been gone now for more then 3 years but I think she would have completely agreed.
It is just after 7 am here, the sun is just coming up in the winter sky, it is a lovely lavender color out my window. In my cup today Steeped Tea earl Grey de la Creme, on my table The Silence of the Library, on my mind my mother.
Enjoy your day,

As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. This is a series I haven't yet started, perhaps someday. But I am surrounded by books on shelves all over my house, and of course on my desk and table are those I just received or intend to read next. I love books, reading them and looking at them. I can't imagine ever going ebook completely.

    p.s as a starting blog, you don't need Captcha on your comments. You might get a lot more if you just moderate them. Lots of people hate it.

  2. Thank you for letting me know! I have turned it off!
