
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Taking A Chance On A New Series, How does it make you feel?

So last night I found myself in a bit of a muddle. My "To Be Read Pile" was depleted. I order all my books from The Book Depository and for some reason the series I have been reading and pre ordering did not have any releases this month that I ordered. It was 7:30 at night and I was thrilled to find my public library was open until 9pm.

I told my husband my problem, put the youngest to bed and left the boys with their Dad as I made my way to the library where I stood in front of the spiral racks of cozies at my library, faced with a muddle.  Not having a ton of time to choose, I used my "Choose Books By Their Cover" method, grabbed 8 I thought looked interesting, checked them out and headed home.
I lay them out as you see above and tried to pick the one I wanted to read, before resorting to "Enie meni mini mo" I posted the photo on Facebook to get some opinions, a friend suggested Death of a Kitchen Diva.  I then turned each over and read the back to see if any jumped out at me right away and I grabbed Death of a Kitchen Diva, read the back and realized I had read this one about a year ago and place in in a different pile.
I narrowed it down to these five and decided to give Hooked On Murder by Betty Hechtman a try... When I choose first in series I always get a bit nervous. It's an odd feeling I get almost feels like guilt~ Silly I know. I feel sometimes like I am so committed to the series that I love and do I have room in my life for another one?  I had to do some self talk, "just read the first few pages and if you don't like it you can switch to another one..." Well 8 pages in I am "hooked" already and glad I took the chance.
So it leaves me wondering, how do you feel when you take a chance on a new series, does it feel like you are trying to make a new friend? Is it easy for you? How far do you read before you decide to continue reading a book if you are not hooked right away?
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. I look at new series as a new adventure and hope for the best. I've been lucky - I think there were only 2 books that didn't interest me in all of the new series that I've read.

    Usually by chapter 6, I know if I'm going to continue reading the book.

  2. For new author books always start with the cover art- if it is interesting I will flip it over and read the back. New series are exactly like making new friends, a little hesitant in the first chapter and hoping they will be interesting. If they don't grab me right away I normally give it about 50 pages or so. If I am not invested in what will happen next - then it is time to say goodbye. I really like the Betty Hechtman series so am glad you have found a new friend in her.

  3. Starting a new series is like you said for me like trying to make a friend, It's like going on a new adventure getting to know new characters and new settings and the themes of cozies. The possibility for themes for new cozies are endless that's why I love starting a new series and I always like to give authors with a new series a chance and give them an honest review. If a book dosen't hook me I usually either quit it right away if I really don't like it or at least give it till I read the first 50 pages

  4. I am so thrilled you all took the time to leave me a comment, I feel bad if I give up on a book, but you are right 50 pages should be enough. I am enjoying this book and it is an interesting premise. Thank you all for sharing your experience with me!

  5. For new series I start with reviews and the synopsis. I have so many cozy series that are regulars now, its hard to find time for new series yet I am drawn to cozies and love the thrill of a new series , new characters and a new set of mysteries to enjoy. I have to choose carefully to make time for those that are regulars and those I review, but I enjoy giving a new series a chance. Well done on your choices of series . My library has 9 branches, and only one carries cozies and it is a poor selection. How fun to have such a nice selection at your public library.

  6. I read every new first print of a new series that I can get my hands on. You never know when you'll find a new best friend. That's how I ended up with two rooms with each having a wall to wall floor to ceiling set of overfilled bookcases. I might have to get rid of the guest beds to put in more book cases... The guests can always stay at the motel down the road. LOL

    1. Yeah Nora, I would love to visit with you and see all the lovely books :)

  7. I do have some Diva books, but not the first one, so I haven't read it yet. When I have finished a series I love, I allow myself a new one to start. And I always hope it will be a new keeper. How long I read before I decide to DNF depends on the book. How bad is it, or how boring, or how too scary, a heroine I dislike immensely.

    1. Aurian, DEATH OF A KITCHEN DIVA isn't part of the Diva series. It's the first in the Hayley Powell Food and Cocktail Mysteries by Lee Hollis. They're hysterical!

  8. I'm following a thread from Lisa K's Book Reviews. After eight books in the Jillian Bradley Mystery Series I feel the need to begin a spinoff. Some of my fans are saying please don't stop but I can't stop my muse! I suppose the stories in Jillian and Teddy's world will only end when I'm either dead or have no mind left!

    1. Thanks, Nancy! I think a spin off is a great idea. Then you can always do a crossover!

  9. About 50 pages is enough for me too. But I have stopped sooner of something just didn't set right with me. In the same respect, I have read more than 50 pages and then something in the book turned me off. My feeling on starting a new series are a mixture of excitment and nervousness. I want a new group of characters to enjoy, but always fear a new series can't live up to my go to favorites. But try I do and I have found so many!

  10. First of all "Lisa sent me" from Facebook. How delightful your blog is. I am unsure when I start a new series or a series that's established and I am just starting. First if it's an established one, I want to start them from the first book. I had to read them out of order. If I start and feel bored I try to make it through 3 chapters, if still bored I skip to the last two chapters and read them. I know not right but it's the way I justify spending the money to purchase it. I also have oodles of books in my closet and drawers and end up buying ones I've read a year ago, much like you did at the library. I'll have to try the library! I am definitely coming back to read you blog. Thank you Lisa for directing me here.

  11. Wonderful to hear from so many of you! Thank you for taking time to write!

  12. The BB Haywood cozies are some of my all-time favorites. LOVE the characters and the setting!!!! I'm also a huge Claudia Bishop fan. It took me awhile to warm up to that series but I'm glad I stuck with it!
