
Friday, December 26, 2014

A Ghostly Grave by Tonya Kappes. I Got An Advanced Reading Copy of A Fantastic New Series!

I have followed  USA Today's best selling Tonya Kappes on Facebook for a while, and I was so surprised to receive a message via Instagram From Tonya asking if I would read one of her up coming books. I got the message while driving and had to pull over and do a "Happy Dance" when the message came in. I had a "fan girl moment" I am told by my 11 year old. I was so thrilled to be given the opportunity to read the second book in her Ghostly Southern Mystery Series the advanced reading copy of Ghostly Grave.
I spent a few days reading and enjoying Ghostly Grave on my Ipad and I have to tell you honestly that I laughed out loud so much in the first few chapters my son asked me to "go read in another room"
I could not have imagined just how funny  a mystery series about an undertaker who talks to the dead could really be. I hung on every word and comical situation that Emma Lee seemed to encounter through out this book.
I found the main character's Grandmother hysterical, I could picture her perfectly with the way that Tonya wrote and described her. The books story line is so good that I could picture a TV series based on the life and times of this small  Kentucky town, Sleepy Hollow and Eternal Slumber's Undertaker Emma Lee.
I finished this book on Christmas Day and I loved it. It was very well written, the story line was exciting and had great twists and turns. This is a series that would be very easy to get hooked on! You can find out more about Tonya Kappes and the Ghostly Southern Mystery Series by visiting her website simply by clicking here. You can also find her on her Facebook Fan Page by clicking here.

I wish to thank Tonya for allowing me to read A Ghostly Grave! To pre order your copy of the first book in this series A Ghostly Undertaking Click here. Watch for the following two books in the series  A Ghostly Grave due out March 31st and A Ghostly Demise due out August 25th 2015, you can pre order both directly from Harper Collins Publishers by clicking the highlighted titles.

As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

1 comment:

  1. This is a series of hers that I have not yet started! Can’t wait! Thank you for sharing!
