
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Yay For Cats, Tea And Kindle Apps! The Mad Catter By Kathi Daley

I spent last week stalking the mail man with no avail, if you are at all stuck with out mail delivery for a week like I was may I recommend down loading a great book on your Kindle App? Kathi Daley came to my rescue with the second installment of the A Whales and Tales Mystery this weekend with the release of her latest publication The Mad Catter.
After waiting on the mail man all week and not even getting a flyer I was starting to loose my mind. If I had to read the cereal box one more time I was going to loose it! Thankfully my husband downloaded Kathi's book onto my Ipad and I gabbed my grandmother blanket a mug of tea and sat on the couch to read. My almost 17 year old cat "baby kitty" joined me in my lap as I read.
This latest installment of The Wales and Tails Mysteries was fantastic. The story was well written, engaging and moves along very quickly. I like books with on going story lines, endearing characters, fantastic friends, a pair of witches and perfect pet companions. Kathi has created a wonderful cozy town set very close to where I live now so picturing everything from the weather to the store fronts came really easy to me. I highly recommend Kathi's series and can not wait for next month and the next adventure with main character Cait and her furry friends.
To order The Mad Catter by Kathi Daley please click here.
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