
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Me And My Ghoulfriends by Rose Pressey

I just finished reading Me and My Goulfriends by Rose Pressey. I found this mystery through one of the Facebook Cozy Groups I belong to called Mrs. Must Read Mysteries and I am so thrilled that I did.  This book is a steal at 99 cents! On Kindle ( I am Canadian if you are new here)

I found this to be a light an fun cozy with enough paranormal antics to keep you entertained and intrigued. The mix of characters and personalities round out the story and give it great depth. As the title dictates the series has paranormal cozy flair and it doesn't disappoint. I enjoyed this story and if you are a little like me and enjoy a cozy complete with witches and ghosts this is a series you may want to add to your to be read list.  Click here to learn more about Rose Pressey and this fun cozy series.

In my tea pot and keeping me sane this week was an Earl Grey Cream Tea + Lavender that I had the tea blender at Blue Teapot at the Lonsdale Quay blend for me. I asked for 100 grms Earl Grey Cream and had her add 50 grms of Lavender to my tea. This is a very calming blend and I have enjoyed it so very much. I understand that if you are not local like me the Blue Teapot Website can and does  wonderful custom blends and ready to order blends through their on line shop. Click here to visit their website.

As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. I also picks this up when I saw it on Mrs. Must Read Mysteries. I grabbed it quick as I have read some of her other books. No thought involved in that one click. Lol. Your tea sounds yummy. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Rose Pressey is so nice. And I love hearing about your tea (even though I am a Lipton Orange Pekoe tea bag kind of girl). But you make me wish I enjoyed others.

  3. Oh, this sounds like a good book! I do enjoy paranormal cozies. I will have to check it out.

  4. This mystery sounds unique and so does this blend of tea. Not sure it would be one that I would care for as I prefer the taste of black tea with no other flavors more than anything else. Our daughter and son in law have been to China five times and they bring back all types of wonderful tea for me each time, but I am never sure of what is in them due to the fact that the labels are not written in English. :) Thank you for having such a beautiful blog. I collect bone china tea cups and so appreciate seeing others who do also.

    1. Thank you Cynthia! What fun to take tea adventures with the tea your daughter brought you back. I am so pleased you like my blog. Thank you for your kind words!
