
Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Visit With Lynn Cahoon

Today I am thrilled to share a visit with Lynn Cahoon, Author of the splendid cozy Tourist Trap Series.

How would you explain your main character Jill's personal strength to my readers? (I was drawn to her myself because of her resiliency)

"Jill Gardner’s gone through some hard knocks in her life. We know she’s been married before and now she’s divorced. She rarely mentions her mother, but her maternal Aunt Jackie is one of her closest friends. I think she’s going to have to deal with her past sooner than later. She doesn’t feel confident, yet portrays an easy style to her people. She’s an introvert and finds her runs with Emma a great time to think about the problems in her life as well as trying to solve the case. Never give up, never surrender is her favorite quote."

Where do you draw inspiration for this series?
"The first book, Guidebook to Murder was all about a spring break in the central California coast area. I wanted to start my life completely over again. I was burned out and ready for a change. I didn’t take the jump, but my main character did. That’s another one of the things I love about Jill, she’s not afraid of anything."

As you write additional books in this series it feels like the town of South Cove is evolving and expanding, what is the most interesting new location or character in Dressed to Kill? 
"Thanks Karen, building South Cove is one of my favorite parts of writing the series. In Killer Run, we find out that a model train store is right next to Diamond Lille’s. In Dressed to Kill, the first clothing store arrives in town (along with Sherry King.) I so want a real store like Vintage Duds where I could shop. I love watching design completions and having a place where you could buy a good outfit at knock off prices, that would be heaven."

If you were visiting South Cove, as a reader what would you like us to take away with us at the end of each book?
"I love books where you look forward to finding out what’s been going on with the characters since you last read their stories. I want readers to come to know and love South Cove as much as I do."

"Thanks for having me over today. I love meeting new readers."
Killer Run is coming out August 18th you can Pre Order from Amazon by clicking here

Thank you for joining us today Lynn for a Cup of tea and for sharing your cozy mysteries with us today! To learn more about Lynn and her writing please visit her at
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at 


  1. Enjoyed the titles! The books sound like a new tbr series for me. Thanks.

    1. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did! Do let me know and keep me posted!

    2. Thanks for stopping in KMT1976! I do hope you try out the South Cove gang.

  2. Love this series and look forward to the release of the new ones.

    1. Billie, your words warm my heart. Thanks for stopping in. :)

  3. I love the covers as well as the titles. 2 of the most important ingredients I look for when I'm looking for more good reads

    1. I am very proud of my titles. Kensington did right by the Tourist Trap series. :)

  4. Thanks for inviting me over Karen. You know I love a good cup of tea.

  5. Thanks for the great interview. Just wondering, does the Tourist Trap series contain paranormal elements? I LOVE the covers by the way.

    1. Laurie,
      No, the Tourist Trap series doesn't contain paranormal elements. Check out my The Council series for that. :) A Member of The Council is the first book - magical realism.

  6. Thanks!! I'm actually looking for non-paranormal, so will check out the Tourist Trap series. ( :
