
Saturday, July 4, 2015

On My Table And In My Cup This Week June 27-July 4th!

Happy Independence Day to you my American Readers! This week has flown by for me in a whirl wind! I have had Mail only once this week with our National Holiday Canada Day being on Wednesday, I was stalking the mail man all week. My persistence paid off when I got the most wonderful box from Author Terrie Farley Moran containing several signed copies of her book Caught Read- Handed! 
Terrie has kindly included my recipe in the back of her book and encouraged me to also autograph the books she sent as well. I will be giving you all a chance to win one of those books tomorrow so check back in then! Thank you Terrie for making me feel so involved in this book. I really enjoyed being a part of it and I loved the story too! Caught Read-Handed is out this Tuesday and you can order your own un signed copy by clicking here.
I honestly can not believe it is already July, it feels like we are in a vortex, I swear I will blink and it will be Christmas, if the decorations already on the shelf in stores are an indication I am not wrong on this!
I have several house guests right now and one of my 9 year old house guests brought me this lovely gift package from her family. What a delightful gift!
 We are having a heat wave here in Vancouver, more then a month with out rain is a big deal when you live in a Rain Forrest. It was lovely to make up this iced tea from Davids and enjoy it this week, the kids loved it too!
I read through and really enjoyed Amanda M Lee's Any Witch Way You Can earlier this week and have not read anything else as I have been running with 11 people in my house and the holiday it has left little time to myself. I really must start something soon for my sanity so stay tuned!

Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery week in review. I look forward to sharing more with you soon,
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. I stopped by your lovely blog today.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Karen, Congrats on having your contribution - one of your recipes included in this book! How fun for you ^_^!
