
Friday, July 24, 2015

This Mornings Magic...

You may know from reading my past posts that I live on the West Coast of Canada. We have had no rain to speak of in almost 3 months and this morning I woke up to a sound, smell and feeling I have so missed. The rain has returned. The leaves on the Japanese Maple are heavy with rain and my outdoor pillows are drenched and I could not be happier.
I honestly feel like I can finally breathe again. What are restorative feeling this summer shower has brought with it. The perfect weather for sipping tea, staying in my pj's and reading. I can not think of a more perfect way to spend this rainy Friday morning, even if it is for just a few minutes before swimming lessons, grocery shopping and life get in the way.  Take time to enjoy the magic that today offers even if it is just for a few moments.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea this morning and the mystery will be if the mail man makes it through the rain with my much anticipated order...
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. We have long spells of drought here in Texas. Having lived in England, I never thought there would come a time when I would rush out on the porch and sit and watch the rain. No rain on our horizon as yet, though. Enjoy it.

  2. So happy that you finally have some rain. I did not hear more about the fire that was raging a few hours from you yesterday, so hopefully, that is under control and the rain will help out.

    1. There are at the time of posting this comment 180 fires currently burning in the Province I live in!

    2. There are at the time of posting this comment 180 fires currently burning in the Province I live in!

  3. I forgot to tell you that I just loved that black tea that you sent me. I made the tea with the vanilla in it and it was really good, but I am still a fan of plain black tea as my favorite. With coffee, I feel the same. Just regular premium coffee (Arabica preferably) and no flavors along with it. Just a "purist" I guess. :) Thank you so much. Our granddaughter, Esme, who is four, loved the silicone tea bag/tea holder, and thought she was a barista for sure. We have had so much fun making tea together using that little pink tea bag infuser. Thank you again. I was so happy to win those items.

    Cynthia (and Esme)

    1. I am so happy to hear this! Thank you for letting me know!

  4. Congratulations on rain. Here in Oregon we haven't had rain either. Hoping for a good rainstorm soon.
