
Monday, September 21, 2015

Why Libraries Matter To Me

If you follow me here or on my Facebook/Instagram page you may have notice the absence of books in the last week. No one noticed it more then me though honestly. I had great anxiety about the lack of reading opportunities on my table and in my possession this past week. My obsessive compulsion of relying on Canada Post to bring me the books I have ordered is causing near panic attacks with each passing day. As another week of no mail went by I found myself at the bookstore Sunday morning but came up empty as the only Cozies they had were first in series I have already read.

My friend Sheryl who is new to cozies and who lives in the USA has better access to cozy mysteries in one trip to her book store then I could dream of from any store near me. I rely on The Book Depository for it's great price and free shipping. Any Canadian's here will attest to the crazy cost of shipping/postal rates verses the cost of the books themselves. I do not mind paying the cost of the book but I do resent the shipping when it is equal in cost of the cozy or even more as it has been in most cases. Sheryl posted photos Sunday of her bookstore find of all three of Shelia Connolly's Irish County Cork Mystery series and I was gutted! I have been trying to track book two, Scandal in Skibereen,  down since I finished Buried in a Bog which I read earlier this summer.

This is one of the reasons that Libraries matter to me, book selection, sanity and a great cozy mystery section awaits me at each visit. Not only is my library better stocked then the book store, it has authors I would never have heard of or dreamed of reading if I had not happened upon them in their "natural habitat".  I was feeling reading withdrawal all this week but especially yesterday, so I hoped in my van and headed to my little library and left with 9 books that jumped off the shelf at me and one of them happened to be Sheila's second book Scandal in Skibberneen. I had tried to order this book on The Book Depository but until recently it had been unavailable. So I was almost in tears when it was sitting on the shelf of my library! Along with Scandal in Skibberneen I also picked up 8 other titles based on the cover alone this time,  so that at least for the next few weeks I will not be with out a book to read. If it was not for my libraries I would never have found cozies and I would not have had such a rich escape or the opportunities I do today. This is only a few of the reasons why Libraries matter to me and I hope you are lucky enough to have a well stocked library where you can find some amazing series such as these.
 Thank you for joining me for A Cup of Tea (Heavenly Cream by the way) and some wonderful cozy mysteries...
I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Darn, I wish I'd known you wanted that I recently gave away my copy. By the way, do you have a Kindle? There are a lot of first in the series cozies available free and the CozyMysteryBlog lists books that are free or low cost. And I currently have a book tour going on with two of my books as giveaways.
    Sorry about your post, I know it must be frustrating.

    1. I do have a kindle app for my ipad but I really do prefer the books! Thank you for the heads up on your give away's! Shipping your book to me would have cost you more then the book cost you to begin with!
