
Monday, September 14, 2015

You Are Invited To Tea Time With The Cozy Chicks

I am so excited to Welcome to the table today The Cozy Chicks and their new book Tea Time with the Cozy Chicks. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sit down with some of your most favorite authors for tea? Today some of my most favorite cozy mystery authors have come to share about a their new book and let you know about their wonderful blog. Please welcome the Cozy Chicks as my guest bloggers today.

Tea parties have been around for well over 3,000 years. People on all parts of the earth have tea parties every day. So sit down, pour yourself a cup of tea, and let me tell you about Tea Time With the Cozy Chicks.
First of all who are the Cozy Chicks? If you haven’t visited our blog before, please pop by It’s a great way to get to know us and to catch a glimpse at the crazy life of a mystery writer. The Cozy Chicks are…Ellery Adams, Lorraine Bartlett, Duffy Brown, Kate Collins, Mary Kennedy, Mary Jane Maffini, Maggie Sefton, Leann Sweeney.

We write cozy mysteries and in our books characters often gather around the table to discuss cases. They drink a staggering amount of caffeinated beverages and seem to be surrounded by an endless array of mouth-watering sandwiches, cookies, pastries, and chocolate. In short, these gals in our books have a pretty good time…unless they're chasing the killer...and we thought it would be fun to spend a little time in their world.

The result is Tea Time With The Cozy Chicks filled with the lore of tea in so many of its incarnations. The book offers an assortment of tea parties like how to have a Bon Voyage tea, bachelorette tea, proper Yorkshire Tea, Chocolate Lovers tea etc. There are menus for each party, invitation suggestions, decorations, flowers, table settings, recipes galore and all hosted by characters from our books to add to the fun.

An afternoon tea party is suitable for many celebrations and isn't as involved as a dinner party. Often a tea party can be the answer to friends just getting together. It's an ideal format for a simple elegant party where the food is prepared before your guests arrive and is either presented buffet style, or by passing plates of goodies at the table. The best thing about a tea party is that the only thing you need to serve is the tea itself, leaving you plenty of time to relax and enjoy your guests.

There is more in Tea Time With the Cozy Chicks than just tea parties. There are ideas on tea paring, tea towels, antique teapots and cups, reading tea leaves and the book even offers suggestions on blending your own teas like:
Floral Fantasy Tea
1 teaspoon lavender
1 teaspoon yarrow
½ teaspoon chamomile
½ teaspoon stevia

Spiced Anise Tea
2 teaspoons anise hyssop
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon vanilla bean
¼ teaspoon cloves

Devoted Remembrance Tea
2 teaspoons rosemary
2 teaspoons lavender
2 teaspoons marjoram
1 teaspoon anise hyssop

Dark Rose Tea
2 teaspoons rose hips
1 teaspoon anise hyssop
2 teaspoons yarrow
1 teaspoon bergamot mint

So tell us about your favorite tea. Do you have a special blend for the summer and one for winter? A tea for when you’re sick or have a cold? Tell us about your tea and we’ll give away two adorable teapot measuring tapes from the answers.

To enter to win please leave a comment below about your favorite tea blends and visit The Cozy Chick website by clicking here. 
Thank you to the Cozy Chicks for stopping by to share their recipes and up coming release with us today!

To Pre Order your own copy of Tea Time with the Cozy Chicks please click the links below:
Kindle World Wide

Thank you to The Cozy Chicks for stopping by for tea with us today and thank you for joining in the fun. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Karen, thank you so much for featuring our tea party book!

    1. My pleasure Mary, such an exciting book for us cozy and tea lovers! I can not wait!

  2. I love all things tea, and it is hard to go wrong with a lovely cup of Earl Grey. My favorite teas come from Harney & Sons with their Palm Court blend at the top of the list. Thanks so much for the giveaway. dmskrug3 at hotmail dot com

    1. I have not tried their Palm Court Blend I must get a hold of that one! Thank you Daniele K for stopping by it is lovely to have you!

  3. These tea photos are utterly enchanting, Karen. You set the scene for the book perfectly. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful and artistic post!

    1. I am so honored to have you stop by and I am thrilled you like my photos. I feel like I have tea with you all regularly! Such a delight to have your books on my table and her on my blog. Thank you for taking the time to stop by for tea today!

  4. For iced tea I blend Teavana's Samurai chai mate with white Ayurvedic chai. So spicy and highly caffenated(sp?). I also like a Paris blend by Harney & Sons. I prefer black and white teas. Looking forward to this book! My girls want to do a Mad Hatter Tea for their 16th birthday next year!

    1. I love that Paris blend by Harney & Sons too! I also prefer black teas! I love the idea of the Mad Hatter Tea! If you need any help planning check back in with me! Such fun! Thank you JennDian for stopping by today!

  5. What a fun post. I adore Duffy Brown but don't think I've read anything by the other authors - I'll add them to my list.

    1. I can recommend them highly! Let me know who you choose and what you thought! Thank you for stopping by for tea today!

  6. A beautiful post today. I'm looking forward to the book.

  7. What a beautiful and fun post to read tonight when I needed to relax. Loved all the new things I learned and remembering some that I had forgotten. I tend to use mostly black tea and anything with herbs can interfere with my blood thinners and other medications. So it is any variety of black tea that I look for but nothing herbal for me. Keep up the great work, all of you ladies. You make many people happy with the wonderful information and photos. Thank you.

    Cynthia Blain

  8. I discovered Maharaja/Chai Samurai Chai Tea from Teavana which is delightful and very special. I love the spicy and interesting flavor. I adore teas and drink them all year. Tea parties are my favorite indulgence. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. What an informative and interesting post. I will refer to this blog always. When I drink Caramel Chai Rooibos tea it soothes me soul and makes my day even better.

    1. that sounds wonderful! Thank you petite for being here!

  10. The Cozy Chicks' books contribute to my favorite genre & I am SO looking forward to their tea party book! Thank you for featuring the authors & Tea Time for the Cozy Chicks. My current favorite tea blend is The Republic of Tea's Vanilla Almond with Cinnamon Toast coming in a close second.

    1. Oh Linda that sounds amazing I need to give those a try!

  11. Love this! Can't wait to share with all my tea-loving friends!

  12. By combining half Darjeeling and half earl gray, one could brew a tea that's reminiscent of what you would find in England. I love my friends calling me Queen of Afternoon Tea.


    1. I do love a nice darjeeling mixed with my earl grey too! I am thinking I shall look for a nice blend or mix one for my own! Thank you Nancy!
