
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Cozy Short Story By Kari Lee Townsend

I purchased this Sunny Meadows short story on Amazon on the weekend. I loved the series that Kari Lee Townsend wrote The Fortune Tellers Mysteries and when I did not see book 4 come up I had forgotten about the series until I had moved my bookshelves around last week. I tracked down Kari on social media and she kindly shared that there was a short story and book 4 as well.  I ordered the short story which was a fun little mystery and felt like a home coming visit.

I am looking forward to ordering book 4 Perish in the Palms and if you would like to read the 3.5 short story Shenanigans in the Shadows please click here.
 I was so excited when my mail man brought my pre ordered Vicki Delany book Rest Ye Murdered Gentlemen and a lovely gift from my friend Lisa K a Connie Archer Mystery called A Spoonful of Murder. 
I feel truly blessed to have these wonderful cozies to escape too, a perfect cup of tea and a cranberry scone to sustain me. Thank you for joining me for A Cup of Tea and a Cozy Mystery. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Do you have a central listing of your book reviews? I was interest in reading some of your reviews and wasn't sure where to find them on your blog - thanks so much.

  2. @reneseltzer, thank you so much for drooping by. I can not thank you enough for bringing this to my attention, I have gone through and labeled each review as "cozy review" if you type cozy review in the search box there are currently 8 pages of cozy mystery reviews. I did not realize they were not coming up and over the next few days I will link them on another tab at the top of my blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to write me and let me know about this oversight on my part. I hope you will enjoy reading some of them. I was amazed at how many I had done since starting my blog.
