
Sunday, November 29, 2015

A Cup Of Tea And Several Dozen Cookies...

"Christmas Cookies and Holiday Hearts That's The Way The Season Starts" This morning on my table I have the work of 15 friends upon my table. Undoubtedly the largest cookie exchange I have hosted yet. Everyone who comes brings the other guests 1/2 dozen of their favorite holiday cookies. If you are trying to do the math that is just shy of 100 cookies. I put out the invite in September and had an overwhelming response. More confirmed this year then in any years past and I think I could have hosted two parties easily with the amazing friends I have willing to bake and exchange cookies. My living room was bursting at the seams.
 Unable to attend in person Author Alice Loweecey kindly joined us in spirit.
My friend April also joined in the fun. I love her fairy collection and vintage aprons don't you!
I could not have a party with out Aunt Pitty! I love her Dick and Jane apron!
Only half the cookies would fit in my photo! There was an entire other table which took up the length of my living room!
I really enjoyed the exchange and I had several pots of Davids Holiday Teas out for the guests to enjoy, what a delightful way to start the season and my Christmas tins are over flowing!
My friend Lia posted a photo when she got home of the cookies she collected at the party, here is what we all took home to enjoy!
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a sugar overload today! I look forward to sharing more with you soon. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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