
Friday, November 20, 2015

A Spoonful of Murder by Connie Archer, A Gift From A Friend And A Review To Share

Today's review of A Spoonful of Murder by Connie Archer is all do to my friend Lisa K sending me this special treat. I owe a lot to Lisa K. She has gone out of her way for the last few years to take me under her wing and share with me about the cozy blogger review world. She very kindly sent me this book and she knew I would love it.
I received it a few days ago and Lisa ordered it for me from The Book Depository, the free shipping is a huge bonus especially when you are shipping to a friend internationally!
Lisa has always made wonderful suggestions about authors and series to me and she was right about this one. I loved it.
A this is a book about coming home, rediscovering lost friendships, building a life from the pieces of a shattered dream and tragedy. About character and about community this story was the perfect book at the perfect time. I love to make soup as some of you know and there are some fantastic recipes in the back of this book. This was an unexpected surprise and delight to receive from a friend. I love that it is an established series and I can now order and read more about Lucky, Her Grandfather and all the gang from By the Spoonful.  Thank you Lisa! Your book was a highlight for me this week. It was like having you over for a visit. To order your own copy of A Spoonful of Murder please click here.
Thank you for joining me here for A cup of tea and a cozy mystery. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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