
Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Diva Serves High Tea Out In 212 Days!

I will tell you that when I saw this on Thursday afternoon on Facebook on Krista Davis page I squealed. I even jumped up and down and split my tea a bit. Then I went over to The Book Depository and I ordered The Diva Serves High Tea for myself. I felt like dancing. Only 212 more days until it is released and this is one of the most exciting releases for 2016 that I am looking forward to.
It is amazing to me that the cost of pre ordering this book is less then two cups of Venti tea at Starbucks. I purchased it with free shipping and paid only $8.38 US from The Book Depository.
Where I live that is less then the cost of two lottery tickets and I will be excited and looking forward to it for the next 212 days and all the days I get to spend reading it too! Talk about bang for your buck!
When I found The Diva Series at my library I started with book 5 The Diva Haunts the House, which I found using my spin the racks and grab method. When I could not put it down I realized this series was gold! I then binge read what I could get my hands on at the library and then bought what they did not have. I have pre ordered the last three and savored each moment of them. I really think this series is outstanding. It has everything you could want in a cozy, great leading character (who can really cook I might add) great friends, Kookier neighbors then you could imagine, an impossible relationship or two and some really wonderful pets, not to mention juicy mysteries too!
If you have not yet read this series drop everything you are doing and start with book one, you have 9 books to read before The Diva Serves High Tea comes out! To find out more about these books please visit Krista Davis website by clicking here.
To pre order your own copy of The Diva Serves high tea please click here.
Thank you for joining me for A Cup of Tea and A Preview of A Great Cozy Mystery! I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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