
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Three of My Favorite Davids Teas of The Season.

I have been enjoying Davids Tea all week and though I love the two new teas I picked up Snow day and Hot Chocolate.

That being said I love the the tried and true Santa's Secret! I have had that one three times this week! This is a black tea with vanilla and a hint of candy cane mint!
It makes a lovely morning or afternoon tea and I feel like it has a velvety taste to it. I always by an additional 100 grms before the end of the season. Sometimes in the middle of summer I pull it out of the cabinet too.
Also wonderful this season is the Hot Chocolate Tea. I don't add milk to my tea and I really enjoy this tea in the afternoon, though I did have it twice in the morning. It has chunks of chocolate in it and I am into my second tin!
I have found it is actually cheaper by about $3 to buy two of the skinny tins they are currently 2 for $15  you get 50 grams of tea in each tin. 

The prettiest tea though and a lovely herbal tea at that is the Snow Day tea that I previously reviewed but it is worth mentioning again. The kids can enjoy this lovely tea and not have to worry about the caffeine that is in the other two.

To order DavidsTea on line please click here, I am so lucky to have two Davids locations near me!
I am back to stocking my mail man in hopes that a new cozy I ordered comes today! Fingers crossed for me!
Thank you for joining me for A Cup of tea and a cozy mystery today! I truly hope my mystery arrives soon!

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