
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

It Is An Ugly Sweater Kind Of A Day

Tuesday morning tea and I have already restarted my computer 6 times and have fought an upwards battle just to get to post today. My computer is working against me and I think my husband needs to rebuild it. Lucky him.
It took me 5 minutes to find the perfect sweater for me and 25 for it to download on my computer so I could up load it here. This is however a sweater I would totally get to wear this time of year and one I need to find a way to work into my holiday wardrobe! 
Sadly it is all sold out and was offered on the Rusty Zipper website but I am telling you it would not be that hard to make, perhaps I need to look into ugly sweater making for next year! 

I think an ugly sweater tea party would be lovely !
Amazon has a kit I need to get so I can add these to my repertoire! 
I shall leave you here in hopes that you have had a laugh and entertained the idea of  a fun and different tea party. I am off to try to figure out how to fix this computer.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery today, I think I shall take myself off to the library later today for a cozy to put on my tea table and to have to escape to for the rest of the holiday season.

1 comment:

  1. I could totally wear that sweater as well. Hmmmm have this long, warm, pink cardigan in my closet (I think I've worn it once in 8 years) wonder if I can applique funny things on it. Thank you for the thought.
