
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Falling Canadian Dollar Is Bad News For Canadian Cozy Paper Back Lovers

I cherish my cozies. I indulge in purchasing and pre ordering them when ever I can. As many of you know I am Canadian living in Canada. What you may not know is that our Canadian Dollar is not all well. Very recently the Canadian Dollar and the American Dollar were worth about the same, sadly that is not longer the case. Currently the Canadian Dollar is worth $0.69 US.

It is never more apparent to me then when I go to buy books. I buy my books (paperbacks) from The Book Depository. They always offer free shipping and when our dollar is as low as it is this free shipping is a huge savings relief.  To give you an example of what I mean, I ordered three books yesterday. One of them is Miranda Jame's Southern Ladies Mystery Digging Up The Dirt.  Currently listed at $6.77 on the book depository US, Canadian it is listed at $9.83 (230 more days for this release)

Though the cover has yet to be released  I was thrilled to learn that Heather Blake's The Witch and The Dead comes out in 258 more days, but I wanted to make sure I ordered it even though our dollar is very low. $6.77 US but $9.83 Canadian!  
So if you were doing the math, the three books I ordered yesterday cost me $30.07 Canadian, while, my American friends you only pay $20.71. A difference of $9.36, which is more then the cost of one cozy! I fear that as the dollar sinks the cost of reading may be come out of reach for many of us Canadian Cozy Fans. I may be embracing that Kindle App even more in 2016.  I am so thankful to The Book Depository for keeping their shipping free which allows me to splurge on my favorite authors and series, however as the dollar sinks, and the cost of paper backs rise this may deter many like me from being able to justify the cost difference.
I so look forward to the books I have on order and I am hoping that you will be able to read along with me. As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Thanks for your support of reading and of cozies, Karen. It is definitely noticed and appreciated.

    1. Thank you Vicki! I know there is little that can be done, however I wanted others to know how this will change how we are all able to afford our vices!
