
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A New Hawaiian Series From Kathi Daley. Mahalo Kathi, I Needed A Series Like This!

Trading snow boots for flip flops, in Kathi Daley's new Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery series Book One Murder at Dolphin Bay was just what I needed Monday night. As my Spring Break drew to a close, I was in the need of a tropical escape. I was lucky enough to find myself in Hawaii in 2013 so it was even easier to picture myself in Hawaii while I read. Kathi's new series is one I know I am going to look forward to! She knows how to put the right combination of characters in just the right setting and have you hooked from chapter 1.

Kailani Pope wants nothing more than to be a proud member of the Honolulu Police Department. Both her father and grandfather were cops, her five brothers are cops, and the only thing she has ever wanted from the time she can remember wanting anything, was to be a cop. She has passed all the requirements to be selected for the police academy but somehow her number never seems to come up. While she is waiting for her name to work its way to the top of the list she works as a lifeguard for the Dolphin Bay Resort. When a guest of the resort is found murdered, Kailani decides that if she can solve the murder before her brother who has been assigned to the case by HPD, then the department will have no choice but to take her application seriously and move her to the top of the list. 
Like all of the books I have read by Kathi Daley, I could not put the ipad down. Finding myself happily lost in the setting, caught up in the mystery and story and smiling from ear to ear at the end.
To order your own copy of Kathi's Murder at Dolphin Bay please click here.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy review. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment her or email me at


  1. I love Kathi Dailey books; so looking forward to reading this one.

  2. Thanks. I'll add that to my list for my 50 state reading challenge.

  3. I can't wait to read this new series. I love to read my KD books!

  4. Great review! Love Kathi Dailey books! Thank you for sharing!
