
Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Cup Of Tea And Cozy Mystery Week In Review July 9-16th

Saturday morning and time for another week in review. I am very happy with the books I have been reading this week and feel so very blessed to have been able to make the time. On my table this week have been a variety of cozies that have both inspired and excited me!
Cozies are not only a great escape read, they often inspire me and I find myself wanting to have things that the characters in the books have. Some of them are easily attained like "Oscar" my new to me Gargoyle tea light holder, inspired by Oscar from Juliet Blackwell's Witchcraft Series. Some items like a lake front cottage are a tad harder to come by. I don't blame Disney for my unattainable desired lifestyle, I instead blame cozy mystery authors!
 I very much loved and cried over Murder, Handcrafted by Isabella Alan. I loved this book so much and as I have not read the series am delighted to have the other books to catch up on!
Murder At The Pier by Rayna Morgan, was a good read and the fantastic cover matched my $5 yard sale find from last Saturday.
I have now made two of the Cowl's from the pattern found in Betty Hechtman's Gone With the Wool. These easy to make loom craft will have even the most unconvinced knitter to take up knitting. I know it is July but I can not wait to wear these more come fall.

I can not wait to share next week's reads with you. Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery week in review. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. I love your little gargoyle candle holder!

    The thing I want most after finishing a cozy mystery novel is to move to a small town that has a strong sense of community. I used to move around a lot as a youngster, so that probably fuels the desire too. (Also, I find myself wanting to adopt more cats...)

    1. booksntea thank you so much for coming to visit today! I am thrilled to have you here! I to understand that pull and desire to belong to that strong sense of community, of acceptance and close knit feeling...oh and I hear you on the cat thing! I have two myself!

  2. I love Isabella Allen and Betty Hectman and their new books sound great. I can't wait to read these.

    1. Knit Twit, I am so happy you stopped by, both were such great reads! Let me know what you think when your read them! Don't be a stranger stop by for tea!

  3. I love your gargoyle. As always, it is lovely to read your thoughts about cozies and tea. #saveourcozies #readathon

    1. Thanks Daniele K! I am so very thrilled to have you stop by today! Please come back soon for a visit and a chat!

  4. I keep wanting to collect teacups after seeing your posts, LOL. Also Victoria Hamilton's Vintage Kitchen mysteries inspired my upcoming kitchen redo. I decided if I couldn't change it, I'd embrace it!

    1. Shel I am a bit of an enabler that way! Start with one you feel passionate about and use it often. The difference between a true tea cup collector and myself is I actually use mine, daily, and usually several of them. Some I get a yard sales some I have had for years! Use what speaks to you, some think they are trophies, I just think of them as trusted friends.

  5. I love the cowl you made very nice! Betty Hechtman' s books are great and I love Leighann Cobb' s series also! Have a great day!

    1. Hi Terri! Thank you! I have made two now and can not wait to make more, I love all the choices that our Michael's store has all the textures make this easy loom knit pattern even more appealing!

  6. Those books sound great and I am so jealous of your lovely teacup collection. Your whole site is adorable <3

    1. Hello Mia P. Manansala, I am so happy you have found your way to my page and site! I hope you will start and use your own collection, pop by daily to see which I am using next, I have a few favorites that show up regularly and some special occasion ones as well!

  7. I really love your blog layout.
    My blog is simple pattern since I'm new to the blogging world, I might have to get some tips from you. Every Elegant Good Work!

    1. A Ferret Novel's Tale I am so very happy to have you here! Happy to help with tips just email me at Thank you for your kind words!

  8. I love the cowl you made very nice! Betty Hechtman' s books are great and I love Leighann Cobb' s series also! Have a great day!

  9. Love the cowl. You look adorable!! xo Terrie

  10. Great cowl! Tea and a cozy. Just perfect. of course with today's weather it will be a glass of iced tea!

    1. Here on the Wet West Coast Nancy I may just need one of these cowls! Though I would not turn down your iced tea either! Lovely to have you here thank you for stopping in!

  11. I have been reading the Mystic Notch books and enjoy them as well.

    1. I am reading this slowly to savor it, it is really great! Can't wait to read the rest! Thank you CentralEast2 for coming by and saying hello today!

  12. My tea is always iced sweet tea, but I do love reading. Cozies are such entertaining, easy reads.

    1. Marlene thank you for coming by today, I do like a sweet tea as well, I live on the West Coast of Canada so I have more hot tea then iced but would love your recipe! Thank you for coming by today and I so enjoy the cozies!

  13. My favorite tea is lavender - who could not like tea and cozies

    1. I love a lavender tea, I also love adding Lavender to my Earl Grey teas and even mint! Thank you Angela for stopping by today and I hope you will join me here again soon!

  14. Looks like a great week of cozies. By the way, I love your page background ~ the roses are beautiful. Have a wonderful Saturday!

    1. Thank you Brooke! A friend helped me with it, the tea roses match my favorite china tea pattern by Royal Albert called Old Country Roses! I am so happy you stopped by today!

  15. Thanks for the week in review, very entertaining.
