
Friday, July 29, 2016

My Own Cozy Free Library (Tiny Library)

A few weeks back I bought an oversized wooden bread box at a yard sale for $7. It was a wonderful find. I did not buy it for bread, when I saw it is screamed "Tiny Library" to me and the  cozy free library was born.  I snapped it up on that wet rainy Saturday morning and with a coat of paint and a vinyl sign my own cozy free Library came to be.
I live on the Wet West Coast of Canada and  we rent our home, so as much as I would love a larger more permanent water tight free library, I knew this rustic and weathered bread box had everything I needed and was looking for!
My sister in law and I went out and bought a purple chalkboard paint and I quickly set to work painting it inside and out. Once it was dry I used a chalk marker and wrote the "rules" of my tiny library and then filled it with some of the years best mysteries I happen to have had on hand. I have a friend in the USA who has an Stornvy shop where she makes vinyl letters and signs and I asked her to help me create the sign for the front of my box. I love what she came up with and almost a week and a half later the sign I ordered in grey arrived. It was easy to put on the front of the box and I added a clear top coat and placed the box at my door.
I also let my neighbors in our neighborhood Facebook group know about the cozy free library below my mail box and my front door. I am pleased to say I have had a few patrons pop over and help themselves! I also added bookmarks from some of my favorite authors to the box for my library guests as well. 
I am very pleased with how this cozy free library has turned out and I hope it inspires others to start their own. 
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery tiny library craft today. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at 


  1. What a great idea and what a wonderful person you are.

  2. Brilliant idea and great job Karen. I wish you much success with it.
