
Saturday, July 9, 2016

On My Table and In My Cup July 2-9th

Saturday morning and a week in review from what has been on my table and in my cup. I try very hard to keep my posts up lifting and positive. It would be wrong of me not to acknowledge the deep sadness for the chaos that has occurred and the senseless loss of lives this week. It is hard to find comfort in the chaos, however I have found some words that express the feelings in this cycle of pain from my friend Patricia Neely- Dorsey and her poem Heartbreak (This Too, Shall Pass)
I cup of tea in silent remembrance and in support of an end to the trauma for all.
 So many wonderful books released this passed Tuesday and I have been thrilled to have them on my table and review them with you all here. Kay Finch's The Black Cat Knocks On Wood spent a few days on my table this week and in my lap.
I was enchanted with Laura Morrigan's Take The Monkey and Run, so much so that I can not wait to read the previous three books in the series.
Julie Hyzy's book Grace Sees Red spent the 4th with me....
The Great Catsby was a warm and cozy escape even with the fast passed mystery!
Dressed to Kilt by Hannah Reed stole my heart and was my favorite in this three book series.

Yesterday was my friend author Terrie Farley Moran's birthday  such a pleasure to have her book on my table and being able to share one of my recipes in the book! I hope you will enjoy Read to Death as much as I did and that you try my recipe in the back!
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a week in review.
I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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