
Sunday, November 27, 2016

A Cup of Tea and A Holiday Cookie Exchange

There is something to be said about taking back the holidays, I have struggled in the last 6 years to regain the joy of the holidays since my mom passed away. Finding that new normal and making the most of it is a work in progress. Life is crazy, the holiday hype makes Christmas time even crazier, that vortex of holiday crazy seems to start earlier every year. I know it is November but with less then a month to Christmas Day,  I am thrilled that my friends kindly humor me and come to my annual cookie exchange before everyone is booked through the new year.

 I have lost track of how many years I have hosted a cookie exchange party and though it is always a ton of work it is always a great way to start and enjoy the holiday season! Last night some of the most wonderful people in the world baked 15-16 dozen cookies and brought them here to swap with others. The result is a home bursting at the seams, children, cookies and joyful noises fueled by friendship, appetizers and of course cookies!

 The table filled up quickly and everyone took home an amazing assortment of cookies. If you have never done one of these types of cookie swaps before I really encourage you to try them, it is so much fun and really when I started we all baked a double batch of cookies and swapped, now the party has grown and each year we seem to bake more!
I really love hosting this party!
This was the last year for this party to be in our current home and a nice way to say good bye to the old, while keeping my eyes on next years party! Though I know we have to move on, it is really hard to say good bye to our neighborhood, I am struggling a bit with starting over.  Next year we shall have even more space so perhaps we will all bake 20 dozen....who is with me? Let me know if I should add you to the exchange!

I will be back with a cup of tea (a few cookies) and a cozy mystery review for you tomorrow. Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cookie exchange! I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

1 comment:

  1. I love your posts. I've never participated in a cookie exchange but they sound like a lot of fun.
