
Monday, January 2, 2017

Ice and Snow Outside, Warm Tea and Scones in Side, Not living by the beach anymore...

I am happy to report that the oven in my new house works beautifully. Apple Cinnamon Scones came out perfect and as I unpacked and enjoyed my tea, 2017 seems to be off to a good start. I have not sat and read much though I will get back in to the swing of things soon. If anyone says to you, "lets move at Christmas time", wack them over the head with a Christmas Cake and run in the opposite direction.  Blessedly stressed and in snow, ice and holiday merriment, our Christmas Break evaporated. My kids are back at school tomorrow and I can not believe I am back to packing lunches...I forgot to treasure the last few days while I did not have to be on top of everything all the time. I am in a barage of boxes, I used to love boxes, now the sight of them makes me nauseated...
Did you know you can wear out your snow shovel? Let me tell you you can. For the last 6 years I have used my snow shovel to pick up piles and piles of red maple leaves to deposit their splendor into brown recycle bags which are clearly the "poor relation" of the moving boxes and something I had come to equally be nauseated at the sight of. Not more then three times did that shovel see a flake of snow, yet the metal sharp part on the bottom of the shovel to break up ice has been worn down so badly I have done little but create the perfect conditions for ice hockey...but it sure does look pretty from my tea table.
I read more then 120 books in 2016, I am not sure how many I will get through this year but I like that someone kept track for me. I will do my best to bring you a review of Pop Goes the Murder by Kristi Abbot shortly. Thank you for putting up with my musings and for stopping by for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Congrats on the new move Karen!! That Scone looks delicious!! ( :

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