
Friday, April 28, 2017

Paint Nite With My Sister A Cozy Evening Spent!

Last night my sister kindly agreed to come with me to Paint Nite.  My sister and I share a birthday week and we did this as our birthday celebration. Neither of us has painted basically since elementary school so we were both a little nervous, for sure.
This was the teachers sample...
This is me, in totally disbelief that this white canvas would somehow turn into this....
I am still not sure how this happened but my sister and I both came home with beautiful lighthouse pictures!
After we finished we walked around the room and I was amazed at what I saw, how different each painting was and how in two hours we were able to bring home our finished works.
Even though I was very nervous about doing this, I had so much fun and my sister and I can not wait to go back and do it again! If you want to learn more about Paint Nite in your area please click here. 
I promise to go back to reading today and hope to have a review for you Sunday. Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy Paint Nite review. 
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

1 comment:

  1. Way, cool! Y'all did an awesome job! I love to paint, but my efforts are primitive at best. I'm looking for a Paint Nite here!

