
Monday, May 29, 2017

The Curious Affair of the Somnambulist & the Psychic Thief by Lisa Tuttle

I finished The Curious Affair of the Somnambulist & the Psychic Thief by Lisa Tuttle last night. I chose this book to review from Netgalley based solely on its title and I did not know at the time that Somnambulist is the correct term for someone who sleep walks. This is a period mystery, a bit cozy and a very respectable paranormal. Great  main character, Miss Lane, who finds herself with ut a job and answering the call to become a detective assistant to a very charismatic man who calls himself detective. Living largely by her wits and abilities of observation Miss Lane is a fascinating character. The mystery is especially exciting and somewhat elusive. I hated to put the book down and I found myself thinking about it when  had to put it down and walk away. Lisa Tuttle wrote this book for mystery lovers like you and me. I enjoyed The Curious Affair of the Somnambulist & the Psychic Thief. 
Their talents are rare . . . as are their customers. So when Jesperson and Lane are hired to track the nocturnal wanderings of a sleepwalking London business owner, they’re simply happy to be working again. The case begins as a window into the séances and other supernatural parlor games that are so popular these days, and takes a sinister turn as the intrepid investigators pull back the curtain on the cutthroat rivalries underpinning polite society.But after several mediums go missing, it’s clear that Jesperson and Lane are in over their heads. For they’ve uncovered a presence beyond their understanding—an evil force that won’t hesitate to kill in order to achieve its nefarious ends.
Find this book on Amazon now by Lisa Tuttle, by clicking here
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery review I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. I didn't know it meant sleep walker either. Sounds like a good read.

  2. I'm intrigued by the title, too! Think I might have to pick this one up! Jennifer
