
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Tales From The Tea Shop- No.10 and Family History

I had a customer late one evening last week, she came in and said "There you are Baby Girl!" I smiled, I did not know this lady but she felt she knew me, she continued "Baby Girl I need some tea, I am sorry about my speech I have had several strokes"

As she walked around the shop, she began to speak and she said "The tea I need has a number in it",  and I got down the No. 10 tea and invited her to smell to make sure I had the right one, in  helping  her to get her No. 10 tea, she seemed to relax, and then she looked at me and said "My Mamma and Daddy met because of one of Mr. Murchie's sons, we always had this tea in our house growing up."

I began to measure out her tea and she continued.   "My Daddy and one of Mr. Murchie's sons used to deliver tea around Victoria, and one night Mr. Murchie's Son said to my Daddy, let's go out tonight, it is time you found a lady like mine." She smiled and said "My Daddy agreed only if Mr. Murchie's son, found a lady to go out with him. Mr. Murchie's son asked my Momma to come with them and his lady friend, and that is how my Momma and Daddy came to be"

I finished measuring out her purchases and rang her up with a smile. "Well Baby Girl" she said, "Thank you for this!" and she turned and left the store.

There is magic in each cup of tea and it brings me such joy to share that magic with others. Thank you for taking time to join me today for more Tales From The Tea Shop.
I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. What a lovely story! It must be so much fun working in your store! I would be in tea heaven!

  2. What a lovely story. Thank you for sharing it!
