
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Tea Advent Calendar Craft

I belong to a lovely Facebook Group Tea Cup Challenge Page and this year we started to do some fun tea swaps, one of the largest swaps we did was our Advent Swap. I started to think about mine in May, yes May.

I actually sewed most of it in September and finished it just before our deadline to ship of November 1st. I thought I would like to share with you how I did it and maybe inspire you to make your own. Please note I am a craft sewer and not the most patient crafter in the world so mine is a bit unique in the way the lines are not totally straight.

I used items I found at the dollar store to create my calendar base. A red and white placemat make up the base and the burlap and lace ribbon made me think I could make a beautiful calendar! The total cost of making the calendar (aside from the tea I had on hand) was under $10 Canadian.

I layered the burlap ribbon out and cut it so that it filled the placemat. I got 24 bags of tea (all different, seriously I could start my own tea room with my personal inventory) then I pinned and measured the pockets, removed the tea and then sewed straight-ish lines to create my calendar,
For a few weeks I struggled with how to number the pockets and then found these gemstone numbers at the dollar store, and I purchased three packages of them and set them in place.
I loved how easy they were to stick on and they seem to be staying!
I mailed this calendar to my partner and I hope she loves it. It was made with love and filled with tea and sent many miles and a country away. 
I hope that this inspires you to make and share a tea advent calendar with a tea lover in your life. 
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a tea time craft. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at 


  1. What a unique and beautiful advent calendar!

  2. Glad to have been the recipient of this tea advent calendar. Karen you did a great job. I love seeing all the different ideas there have been in creating the calendars. Thank you very much!!
