
Tuesday, March 31, 2020


"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.” Edward de Bono

I have had my days and nights mixed up now for what seems like forever, but in reality it has not even been a week. I saw a meme this morning and it said what a long year its been this week and it is only Tuesday and I agree it does feel like that part of the time.  While my entire schedule has been off I have tried to keep some sort of routine and at least still do my morning (or afternoon) tea photo. If you are new to my blog this is something I have done every morning (save one or two weeks of being very sick and bed ridden) since my mother passed away in September of 2010.  For me it is a way of grounding myself, taking a much needed "me moment" and if you have instagram you ca find it at @teawithkaren.

So what have I been doing in the moments between the chaos...
Well I have gone through my clothing and in true Marie Kondo Style, I thanked and parted with two large bags of clothing. I organized my laundry closet, put away my Christmas decoration bins and started on my room. 

I have sewn 20 masks for friends and family whom are medically sensitive or working on the front lines. 

I painted a beautiful sign for my gate, which now is a total mess due to the rain we got over night. Not to worry though I made a large impulse buy which I am sure will help me fix that in the coming days, bare with me as I learn to use a new piece of tech. 

I have been starting seeds for my container gardening plan and sleeping a lot. I am surprised that I am still really tired even though I seem to sleep every few therapist says that it is the body and brains. response to trauma.  I have the best case of bed head...

The important part I am taking from this is that in the coming days there will be more pockets of joy, and that it is okay that even in the current crisis, to take time for yourself. My goal going forward is to try to add some reading back into my day. I have found that to be one of the hardest parts, I have ADHD and my mind never seems to shut off and makes it really hard to read in times of stress. I am working on it though. 

I hope this post finds you well. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at 

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