
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Rainy Saturday Share...

Good morning from my kitchen to yours, this very stormy day. The rain is falling so heavy and I am emjoying the sound of the water filling each of my plant pots, hitting the stairs and bouncing of the pavement stones.
I have made muffins from a mix, the same ones my mom would make me on days like this, and as I write this post I am on my third, with peanut butter.
In times like this it is amazing to take the quiet moments and savor them before turning on the news, the world and the hustle and bustle of just staying home. I wanted to share a bit about myself this morning. I have ADHD, diagnosed not just saying it because it is a catch phrase. Sometimes my ADHD is a huge benefit and sometimes, like in the photo below it can be a bit of a shock...

In times of excitement and in times of stress, from the time I wake up to the time I hit the pillow my mind, is constantly racing. I am so used to it that I often don't notice it, unless I am making tea...
I have to remind myself to slow down and remember that this ritual demands 100% of my attention. Most of the time, I catch myself and remember, however this week, on more than three occasions, the classic distractions of life got my full attention and my tea did not. I found more than ten tea bags in my pot three times this week. I was wondering why my tea was so strong and this was why, I know exactly how I did it, put three in the pot, turned the water on to boil, added three more to the pot, got distracted, water boiled, put three tea bags in the pot, poured the water in....had the tea, looked in the pot and realized I had added nine and missed one when I cleaned it out.  Anyway I just thought I would share that with all of you, funny and sad, but don't worry I did not waste the tea. Just enjoyed it and watered it down with more hot water throughout the day.
May your Saturday be calm and your teacup be full. Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea on this rainy Saturday and some self deprecating humor. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at