
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A Cup of Tea with Barbie, A Birthday and Color Reveal Experience...

Yesterday was one of my nieces birthdays, and one month since mine, I celebrated with a social distance morning tea party with her and Barbie, though in quarantine my sister did a curbside drive by party.

I attended in my Dino Costume, gift and sign delivered, then home to find the most wonderful delivery...

 Ordered, a month ago, for my own birthday, my Color Reveal Barbie arrived. Now I know that marketing of these is crazy and the price a bit high but the entertainment value of this was truly worth it.
Basically you get a large test tube, that contains a pink colored Barbie and a few surprise bags in side.

You add warm water, dunk your new doll and the color dissolves to reveal your new doll. Complete with short cute hair and a bathing suit that is part of her body, this was a really fun gift.
So when my doll was dunked she came out with a light pink pixie cut, and I have to admit I actually giggled, this is a very cool doll!
she came with little surprise bags containing a heart shaped sponge, shoes, a unicorn skirt and a rainbow long hair wig...
I was really excited to receive and reveal my doll, even more excited that my nieces are going to have the most fun with their new "Grandma Barbie" as the have been asking me for a Grandma doll, and their Dads mom is a swim teacher who happens to have a short cut like this Barbie, when I sent them the photos this morning they were very impressed and are looking forward to being able to come over and play Barbie as soon as possible.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a look at my color Reveal Barbie. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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