
Friday, May 1, 2020

Happy Beltane, Happy May Day from my table to yours...

Beltane Wishes from my table to yours. I have been working on my maypole since sundown April 30th,  which is when Beltane begins. Beltane or Beltain (/ˈbɛl.teɪn/) is the Gaelic May Day festival. Most commonly it is held on 1 May, or about halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. ... Also known as Cétshamhain ("first of summer"), it marked the beginning of summer and was when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures.
Beltane April 30th - May 1st. Sunset to Sunset. Beltane honours Life. It represents the peak of Spring and the beginning of Summer. A perfect time for tea and fairies.

I made my may pole out of items I had on hand and tried to focus on just crafting shutting out the din of the world, much easier when you have tea to go with it. 
This time of year I love to bring out my treasured Fairy books, I love Cicely Mary Barker, my favorite of her designs is on my plate in the photo above. I have several books and have been charmed since childhood with these beautiful illustrations. 
This morning I pulled out my yellow cup, it is an Adderly and the flowers inside are the same style as the illustrations in the books. the little pewter fairy is a statue from a collection my parents got me in 2007 and I have them in planters and around my house. I love them. 
I hope you find time in your day to enjoy a cup of tea and spend a few moments looking for fairies. 
I would love to hear from you  so please leave me a comment here or email me at 


  1. Happy May Day! I have that same fairies book, I keep it out all year on a living room shelf. I adore it.

  2. Glad to hear it, I love having the faeries near by.
