
Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Special Surprise At My Door

Life has a way of surprising you in the most difficult of times.This beautiful candle teacup & saucer arrived at my door yesterday with out much notice or fan fair, smack dab in the middle of a complicated and tough day. A simple brown box containing the very encouragement and thoughtfulness of character one could only hope for in a friend. Arriving unceremoniously and with out even a card inside indicating who the sender might be!This was a true cup of tea, candle and a cozy mystery....What a lovely treat someone had in store for me.  I am so thankful to the lovely person who sent this my way and to whom I feel truly grateful.

 In my very hectic and busy life I treasure the quiet stolen moments in the sea of chaos. About a year ago I started to hold myself accountable for the moments I choose to take for myself, which is really how and why my tea photos started to appear on line. You see I made myself a promise to start the day in a positive and as stress free way as possible. To do something nice and something beautiful just for me. Too make sure I would be accountable for the effort I put into it every day I took photos of what I was doing.  I got up early, made myself a pot of tea, lit a candle and enjoyed the very peace and quiet that I craved in the day but only could find before the day started. Pretty soon this ritual became habit and the photos were making a difference in not just my day but I would come to learn some months later, a difference in other peoples lives as well.
Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to comment, share and let me know you like what I do. It is now not only for myself and my own happiness that I continue to do what I do with my photos and book reviews.

This morning along with my cup of tea may I share a favorite artist from Etsy. I have been buying her cards for a year now and if you take a look at her studio you will see why. I wish I could draw the way she can and I love how she can capture my very thoughts and heart with each drawing and sketch.  This was the first card I ordered from her and it spoke to me and affirmed my belief in what I do. Check out Rosehill Design Studio and this card on Etsy by clicking here.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea this morning and thank you for allowing me into your homes and allowing me to share what I am passionate about.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. What a nice surprise you received Karen. It's lovely. It's great that you carve out that quiet time for yourself. The early morning truly is a wonderful time to take for yourself. And thx for telling us about Rosehill Design Studio. I'm going to look it up. Have a great day!!

  2. That is a sweet gift Karen, and perfect for you. The one that bought it sure knows you well.
