
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Buried In A Bog- Wow Just Wow!

I wish there was a word better then "Wow" that I could think of to express how I felt when I closed Buried In A Bog by Sheila Connolly last night. Let me start by saying that this book jumped out at me, literally. During my recent trip to the library and my method of "spinning the racks" Buried By A Bog, actually caught my eye as it fell into my hands.

If you are new to my blog then you may not know that recently I found out that I am Irish. My mother was adopted when she was 5 and she never knew anything about her past. She passed away 5 years ago and for my 40th birthday this past April I asked my husband for a DNA test from 23&Me where I found out that I am Irish/British. My mother was a voracious reader and she loved anything Irish, she always felt a connection to Ireland, but never knew that she was Irish, finding out that we are Irish was an amazing event in my life.
  I immediately felt a kinship to Maura the main character in this book. This story is really a journey of self-discovery and in finding out where you came from. The story starts with Maura traveling to Ireland after her Gran dies. With no family and very little money she honors her grandmothers last wish and embarks on her journey in an unscripted sort of way, with out thought of the future, living in just that moment. One foot in front of the other, doing what is expected to be done.  Even though the character knew she was Irish, she and her Gran who raised her, never spoke of Ireland or what is meant to be Irish. I identified personally with Maura and her feelings, of mourning a loss and finding a new "normal" in your life. That new "Normal" was not what Maura expected, the same way I felt after my own mother died.
Maura's story and the characters she meets in this story felt very real to me, I felt the warmth and embrace of this cozy Irish town and it's inhabitants from the first chapter and feel that I have found a wonderful cozy series to come home too. True to my belief that Libraries do sell books, I am off to order myself the rest of the series from The Book Depository now. 
 I believe in serendipity, and this book confirmed that belief for me. I highly recommend this book, to order your own copy which I think I will do as well, please click here.
Thank you for joining me for this cup of tea and cozy mystery.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. There's a bit of the magic in Ireland! Thank you so much for the lovely review, Karen. While my father's parents were both born in Ireland, for various family reasons I never had a chance to know them. I went to Ireland to learn about them secondhand, and fell in love with the place--it felt like coming home. Which is why I keep going back, and why I write about it, as Maura becomes part of the local community. Go raibh maith agat!

  2. Sounds like another good series! Another series to put on my long to read list!!!

  3. I love this series and Sheila Connolly! I'm in line at the library to get the 3rd one. Can't wait! Thanks for the great review!

  4. I have a confession, Sheila Connolly is my #1 favorite cozy author so I was doubly excited about this series. it is fabulous, this book I read without pause from cover to cover. Her descriptions are so rich of the people, customs and the landscape. I just love it to. Its pure cozy perfection . Well done Sheila! Nice review Karen!

  5. This is a fun series, so glad you discovered it!

  6. I think I do have this book on my shelves, I will go and find it soon, thanks for the review Karen.
