
Saturday, November 14, 2015

On My Table And In My Cup November 7-14th

I can not believe it is Saturday once again. This has been a very busy week and I am thrilled to have on my table this week Vicki Vass' The Postman Is Late.  I have also had several different holiday teas in my cup this week. Santas' Secret and Hot Chocolate Black teas have fueled me this week.
I have begun the parade of Snowbabies this week and spent most of last night taking out and putting my collection out for display. I love these little faces and I have some truly wonderful ones to share in the coming days.
In the wake of hearing the horrific news of the events that have unfolded in Paris, I decided to take all my Snowbabies out and enjoy them, display them and share them. Life is precious and time is not always our own. I choose peace, I choose light. I morn those who's lives have been forever changed by evil.
I choose to remember, thank those who are there for Peace, for those working so hard to help settle the displaced, the scared, the lost and the lonely. For those who have come before me and for those who continue to fight for freedom and help the oppressed, I give my thanks and my remembrance.
'Change the way you see things, and you will see things change" ~Dr. Wayne Dyer
Thank you for joining me this week on A Cup of tea and A Cozy Mystery, I look forward to sharing more with you again tomorrow.

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