
Sunday, November 15, 2015

A New Series To Love Vicki Vass Has A Winner With The Postman Is Late

First let me tell you that Vicki Vass sent me this book to read and review, and I loved it.
This story is a Neighborhood Watch Mystery, first in what I hope will be a long line of stories from this Chicago neighborhood. The main character 75 year old spit fire Jan is the richest character I have read this year, likely ever. She is absolutely fantastic. The mysteries are good, the idea is amazing and even with the murders in the area, I am telling you you are going to want to move into this street.  I loved this book, the only fault I could come up with is the cover and that is only because this is a great book and Vicki Vass' writing challenges my whole "pick a book by it's cover" mantra. I do know one thing as long as it says Vicki Vass on it, it is a book I am going to want to pick up, pre order and unplug the phone, computer, ipad and tv for.

As you may have guessed I am not the biggest fan of the cover but the story is so much better then fantastic that I forgot about the cover until I put the book down. In this case this cover does not do justice to the story that is waiting for you just inside.
I laughed when I saw the title as it is rather fitting with all my self professed "Stalking of the Mail Man", you see my mailman who is very reliable and "like clock" work went missing again on me about a week ago, he returned Thursday, the same day I got this book. My mailman hurt his back. He tried to tell me it was all the books I order, we shared a laugh it is good to have him back. He is truly an asset to my neighborhood and not at all like the Postman in story!
Even having finished the book my mind is still reeling and I know there are a few vacant homes on Jan's street, ready and waiting for us to move into!
To order The Postman Is Late from Amazon please click here.
To learn more about Vicki Vass please click here.
Oddly enough it is Sunday and tomorrow I go back to stalking the mail man again for a pre order to read!
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery, this is one I wont soon forget! I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. I think the cover is kind of cute! What don’t you like? The book sounds interesting! Can’t wait to read!
