
Monday, November 16, 2015

The World Just Keeps On Turning

It is Monday, It is November 16th and the world just keeps on turning. No matter what we do to each other, to the planet, to our neighbors, to our children, to animals,  to our just keeps on turning. Spinning as if nothing has changed and nothing has happened. This feeling of wanting to get off this planet or to understand and accept the point of all these horrible things that humanity keeps doing, over and over and over again, is overwhelming.
People die everyday, from Cancer, from other horrible diseases, from accidents and from terror attacks and the world just keeps spinning. It is 2015, and I watch what is happening and what has happened but not on tv this time. I watch the world unfold now largely on Social Media. When I was younger the TV and Newspapers were the only source of info, when 911 happened the internet was really just begining to take off, not at all like it is now. But we had the tv and we watched nothing but CNN for months. Watching over and over again the planes hit the towers, listening to messages from loved ones on ill-fated planes. When it seemed like  it would never end and the world would certainly end, it just kept going. I wonder why these things keep happening and how the world can possibly keep turning and yet it does.

We talk and pray and post of peace, knowing full well that the most recent attacks around the world are sure to continue. No mater who you are and where you live you try not to feel terrorized but it is a feeling that is hard to shake.  I realize how very lucky I am to live in a First World Country, to have the freedom and rights that I do. So I will use my freedom of speech and expression to set a table where all are welcome and where the kettle is always on. I pass you a cup of comfort, friendship and warmth not just because I can but because I want to and because it has to start somewhere, may it start here. Do kind things, speak kind words, offer hope, be friendly, share, extend yourself, change the way you think of others, look at things from other perspectives, be mindful of what you watch and what you subject yourself too. Be the peace we so desperately crave, the kindness we all know how to extend, the difference in the life of someone else.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea today and for reading my words today. I truly wish I had more then words to offer to comfort, to heal and to affect change.

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