
Friday, April 10, 2020

Getting Outside?

I don't know about you but I am taking the whole please shelter in place thing quite seriously and do my best to not go out more than once per week in the public. Taking late evening walks and lots of naps but I really have not spent anytime just outside.

 At first it was the rainy weather and the last few days here have been sunny and warm, true spring like weather. I live in a dark by choice, cozy suite, and I will be honest, I did not make getting the vitamin D a priority. Part of it is guilt. I feel terrible I can't do more to help, I am not working and well the news is terrifying. But a friend texted me and reminded me I needed to get out side even if it was for a few minutes.

I took her advice and spent several hours outside, gardening and sprucing up my little area.
I don't really have a green thumb, or at least I did not think I did and yet I could not be more proud to announce that my beans and peas are growing, measurably! I think my largest excitement came this week when I noticed my tomato seeds sprouted!!!

On a tight budget and with a bit of reluctance, I picked up supplies at the dollar store a few weeks ago and my seeds and soil at Canadian Tire. Today I spent time re-potting and reorganizing my stairs. I even built a tea themed gnome garden by my front door, something I have always wanted to do.

As much fun and hard work as that was it was nice to be outside in the sun and not think about anything but what I was doing. When I was almost done, I remembered one item I picked up for $1.25, side walk chalk.  I saw on Facebook people were talking about "Chalking their walks" and I have seen a few fun drive ways in my area that have done just that, one said please send wine, one was done up like candy land and one was a snakes and ladders game.  I don't have a ton of "walk to chalk", and almost no one is going to see my area, so it made it easy to just have fun and go with it.
I am glad I took my friends advice and spent a few hours outside, I am thrilled with how it all came out and got some ideas about gardening I want to follow up on. I hope you can get out where you are or at least plan for when you can. Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a tour of my outdoor area. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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