
Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Cricut favorite impulse buy.

I am having a great deal of fun, "joy in pockets" they call it, between the bouts of over and under reacting to what is going on in the world. I recently impulse bought the cricut joy when I was at Michael's getting much needed sanity supplies (I was masked and it was in and out) when I was standing in line  (6-8 feet social distancing from others sanity shopping as well,) I thought oh I hope they have a kit kat.  Where they normally have the kit kats they had the cricut machine and it was a split second decision that I am thrilled I made. Tuesday I personalized my machine with this adorable tea decal I made from a free image on the easy to use site. I am not being paid or sponsored by cricut, I just honestly bought it on a whim and am crash coursing my way through the process.
 There are a few really easy steps to making these personal stickers and labels.
I honestly have been very impressed, only slightly frustrated as I did not know about the weeding tools and the scraper so I ended up ordering them and a few other supplies on Michael's website and they got delivered in just a few days. 
I made a new sign for my gate as the first beautiful one I decoupaged got wrecked in the rain. It is not as colorful but it made me smile and it looks cute on the gate, while I figure out how to make the old one look new again.
 Using a dollar store chalk board sign and the white vinyl I am thinking this will hold up better. 
I have even started to make over my door, though I need to order more purple to go over the rectangles. This is removable so I am not wrecking the door!
I am really enjoying this fun new tool. If you have experience with cricut or you have a cricut joy as well please let me know, I would love some tips and tricks. 
Please know that I am taking the situation of being  temporarily laid off and helping my boys with their home learning, that there are moments in the day where I am full of anxiety and stress, but I am also making sure that I have time for joy, that I make time to turn off the social media, turn off the news and focus on being creative, getting out of my own head. 
I hope you can make time too. Oh and if you have a spare kit kat send it my way I still have not gotten one. 
I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at 

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