They say you should never meet your heroes, and after this weekend I cannot fathom why! I had the most amazing opportunity to attend Left Coast Crime here in Vancouver this weekend and I got to meet some of the most amazing people in the writing world, many who I have long respected, read and cherished, I got to see in the flesh. I was in complete awe, had many "fangirl" moments and very much inspired to return to work.

Working on something that gives me a huge creative outlet, a great escape and the opportunity for joy is what writing, reading and blogging gives me. As readers of my blog you may already know that the last year has been very difficult for me as I have been trying to navigate my way through one of life's hardships and reflections. It has not even been a month yet since my father's passing and while I have taken quite a bit of time to mourn and process, and struggling with the realization that I am an orphan, I feel reborn and I have found that like spring I am feeling inspired to bloom again.
This past weekend I met, laughed, shared, ate and learned from some of the best in the business. I made memories I hope I never lose. I found a sense of not just belonging but acceptance in who I am, what I do and what I love. It was truly magical.
On Friday, I had an opportunity to share what I know and what I love with two people I have respected, and whom I have looked up too. Their books I have read and taken to heart and to whom I had a chance to entertain in a reciprocal way.
The gracious nature of these literary heroes was not at all lost on me.
Posing for photos, waves and winks, hugs and handshakes, in that personal connection, not only did I get the opportunity to meet the authors but I got a chance to connect with the characters they created.
The words of encouragement, the engaging discussions, the professionalism and the perfect moments, kept coming and coming all weekend long.
It was an opportunity I can honestly say I never could have imagined and getting to share space and time with these amazing people, their positive energy, their creative mindsets and a chance to let them know just what a profound effect that their work has on readers like me was second to none.
It took a bit of courage on my part, placing anxiety and self doubt aside, to connect with and chat with and even get photos with those authors I so look up too and admire, boy am I glad I did.
From the book room to the banquet hall gratitude, carried and overroad social anxiety.
Sometimes you leap and you fall, sometimes you leap and the net catches you, sometimes you leap and you are inspired. . .
Sometimes you leap and find the courage and then your hair fails you... Excitement over vanity...
Autographs and opportunities...
And a truly amazing time had by all.
Thank you all for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy look back at Left Coast Crime 2019. Thank you to all my sisters in crime for making this happen! I look forward to reading, reviewing and continuing writing.
May you all take that chance, to meet your heroes.
I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at