I just finished reading the Scarlet Wench by MK Graff.

This was a different cozy from my normal repertoire as I will be honest I normally read cozy mystery books based on my attraction to the cute cover that cozies often feature. I was intrigued by the title and the not so cutesy cover of The Scarlet Wench and I dove right in.
When I read cozy mysteries I love to think what it would be like to live or visit, with in the town or area that the book takes place and the setting for this cozy was one I would like to visit for sure.
The main plot of murder and mayhem in the book did keep me guessing until almost the end and the author did a good job of making me want to read more and continue in the series.
When all was said and done even though this was not the first book in the series it makes me want to go back and read the story from the beginning.
I truly enjoyed having this book to read and it looked lovely on my table even matched my decor! I am so glad that I was sent this book to review and took a chance on the book then fell in love with the series.
To find out more about MK Graff and her series and writing click here
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
I hadn't her of this book before you mentioned it. I may have to check t out now. And as always, the blog is beautiful!