Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Sharing some sad news...

For a while now I have not been posting daily and I miss it terribly. I have also not been able to read as much as I would like, but I am trying.  I wanted to share a bit with you about why that is. My father passed away this past Sunday afternoon.

In December my father took a turn for the worse. Having been very ill for quite sometime and stubborn I might add, my sister convinced my dad to go to the hospital. I knew at the time this was going to be a very difficult time for all of us but mostly for my father.  I have known for a very long time the extent of just how ill my dad had become.  I have watched him deteriorate over the last few months and as hard as it was to watch for me, it had to have been a million times harder for him.

After 12 weeks in hospital and two days in hospice I am sad to share that my father's journey has come to an end.  I am sad but also relieved that we were able to honor his wishes.

This past summer we had the amazing opportunity to celebrate my father's 65th birthday in Mexico. It was amazing, we had 22 members of our family there and my father truly enjoyed it. I will take those memories with me and choose to remember him that way rather than the last 12 weeks.

Thank you for letting me share this grief so publicly. 


  1. Thank you for trusting your blog community with this sad news. I hope with happy memories and the support of family and friends, the sharpness of early grief will subside a bit. I'm glad you were able to honor his wishes.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The old saying 'grief shared is grief diminished' may not feel true online. Having said that, those of us who follow you greive with you and are, virtually, alongside you now. JJR

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose a loved one - especially a parent.

  5. So sorry for your loss. But with your memories he lives on forever in your heart.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  7. Dear Karen; I just read this now; I didn't know you had lost your dear Dad. I'm so sorry and sending you lots of hugs. I'm glad you have the lovely happy memories from last summer.
