I can not believe that it is Saturday already, honestly this is a stupid statement, I know what day it is, I just feel like the week between these posts speeds by and yet Monday-Thursday feel like they take an eternity, but here we are. I am off to a special needs baseball tournament shortly, an event I have come to love and look forward too more and more with each passing year. I have made some incredible friends on the field, parents who like me have a different path to follow then our typical peers. I don't know what I would do without the support of our Canucks Autism Network community or our Challenger Baseball Families either. They have helped to shape a better then normal childhood for my boys and our community. This week I did a few trips to the local charity/thrift stores and even one slightly further trip to Value Village, where I picked up this lovely book I had been eyeing on line. It is called Tea Culture and I am very much looking forward to soaking in all it has to offer me with in these beautiful pages, more on this $5.99 deal in a later post.

I was thrilled with the buy 4 get one free deal at another thrift store I went to. I was thrilled to find Well Read then Dead by Terrie Farley Moran, I lent my copy out and can not remember who I lent it to. I also got a few I had been wanting to read and one I had never heard of. Not bad finds at all.
I am reading I think my 92 book of the year right now, and Witch Way To Mintwood was a really great suggestion by my friend Lisa and on Wednesday I really needed a paranormal cozy read the way my mother needed Calgon to take her away in the 70's. This was a great book and I am very much wanting to read the series. If you like me love Witch Cozy Mysteries do pick this one up.
For me Leave it to Cleaver by Victoria Hamilton was a first in series for me, this is I think book 5 and a lovely bitter sweet cozy. I picked up two more in the series this week for my TBR pile and am looking forward to give them a go.
I am very excited that my friends Mary and Lisa K are going to help me promote summer reading with our Three Amigos Summer Reading Club. We hope you will join us on Mondays all throughout the summer and see our 33 picks! 11 weeks, 33 books, endless possibilities for your TBR pile and arm chair adventures. We hope you find your perfect summer read with us!
Sunday my family and I took a walk for the JDRF with a fundraising walk around Vancouver's Stanley Park, even though I am on Crutches I did walk the entire thing, which is likely why I am back on crutches, but it was worth it. I also brought the book I was reading, A Ghostly Light by Juliet Blackwell. This book is SO GOOD, if you love lighthouses, like I do, great characters and settings as well as a good ghost mystery this is a book for you! Loved it, you should order it!
Long In The Sleuth by Carol Novis was a refreshing and entertaining cozy where I learn a lot about Jewish culture and had a fantastic time with some funny characters and surprising twists!
This week also marks the second anniversary of the passing of a very special young lady. An extraordinary set of circumstances lead me to come to know and champion a young lady facing insurmountable odds. In memory of that precious child and her courageous fight with cancer, I set my table. In support of her mother, family, friends and survivors, I lifted my cup in remembrance. If you feel moved, have the ability to donate too or help families like my friend Ahmie I encourage you to do so. Special prayers to the families just like hers who fight just as hard along side them. #noonefightsalone #teawithahmie #noonegrivesalone .
I thank you so much for taking the time to join me here today. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com