Tuesday, June 13, 2017

You Are Invited To Join Us This Summer For The Three Amigos Summer Reading Club!

                           Over the weekend, my friends and fellow bloggers,  Mary of https://mjbreviewers.wordpress.com/ and Lisa  of Lisa K's Book Reviews and I got together and brainstormed what we hope you will think is a fun summer reading club! After all why should the kids have all the fun?  We have made ourselves Bitmoji Icon's in keeping with the whimsical feelings summer is supposed to make us all feel and we have come up with an 11 week simple reading club that we hope you love. All you have to do to join is pop by each of our blogs Mondays from June 19th right through to the end of August on the 28th!

We have each put a list of summer reading suggestions based on weekly themes that we hope you will want to read, treasure, take with you on holiday, make you think you are on holiday or simply take you away for an arm chair traveler retreat. Read one, read all, create a to be read pile from our suggestions the choice is up to you!

Each week we will have three book selections for you to enjoy! That is 33 book suggestions we hope you will take to heart and perhaps book suggestions you can use for August 31st on Buy A Friend A Book Day, the most wonderful day of the year!

I hope you will join us for our Three Amigos Summer Reading Club and end our Summer of Reading with the Celebration of Buy A Friend A Book Day on August 31st!
Thank you for joining me here this morning for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery summer reading club announcement. 

I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com


  1. Can't wait to see what you ladies pick.

  2. Can't wait to see what you ladies pick.

  3. i would love this thank you

  4. So cool! I decided to have a cozy summer myself. Got a long list of books on it, including the first in the Lorna Barrett series you recommended a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for all your great suggestions! Jennifer
