Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Cookies and Scream by CeeCee James

I was lucky enough to get an ARC of Cookies and Scream the second book in the Baker Street Mystery Series by CeeCee James and I loved it. We get to learn more about main character Georgie and her back story in this story as well as a great mystery with a historical twist history buffs will love. This story is thoughtfully written and with the readers heart in mind. Georgie is a great character in that she has anxiety, and has had so much hardship but she is quite resilient and not perfect. She does have a smart and curious mind, which gets her in trouble but also endears her to the reader. Great love hate relationships in this story too. I even love the relationship between Georgie and her converted food truck passenger van. Great story and it is out January 15th, 20018

Tour guide Georgie Tanner has always encouraged her clients to enjoy the realism of an American Revolutionary War reenactment - but today things got a little too real. When one of the actors doesn't get back up after the battle, the crowd is horrified to find out he's really been shot. Patrick Armstrong, local high school teacher, is dead. Georgie's old high school friend, Terry Brooks, is arrested for the murder. A man with a young wife and a baby, he seems the least unlikely suspect. But, with hundreds of people as witnesses, there's no denying he was the one who pulled the trigger. He begs Georgie for help, and she's determined to do her best. After all, he'd never do something like that, would he? Her sleuthing skills slowly uncover other possible suspects, but, try as she might, she can't shake the sight of the smoking gun gripped in Terry's hand. And then she uncovers something that terrifies her. Suddenly, Georgie is afraid that what she might have just sealed the case against her old friend.

Click here to find Cookies and Scream on Amazon (I am not an amazon affiliate and do not make any money if you click) 

Thank you for joining me here for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com

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