Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Long Lost Kitchen Witch...

Years ago, in the house on Fernwood that no longer stands, my mother had a Kitchen Witch hanging in our kitchen. When I was 8,  I was obsessed with it. When I was 11,  we moved and she got lost in that move, even though we only moved with in the neighborhood. I have missed her for many years. I looked for her in every thrift store and yard sale since and yet never finding her. I looked on Ebay and never could afford the $80+ to bring her home.   Eight years ago when my mom passed away, I renewed my hands on search to replace her.
In September I found her! At the bottom of a bin of Halloween items at a thrift store I found my kitchen witch. She was perfect in every way, only missing her head scarf. I quickly paid the $2.99 for her and carried her triumphantly home.
My search began for the perfect fabric to make a head scarf from and though I have many scraps in my possession none felt quite right.
 On October 12th, my friend Anna and I went out to the fabric store which is about 40 minutes from where I live. On a table in a basket of "candies" for $1.25 I found what I thought would be the perfect head scarf. I was thrilled when I got home and saw that I was right.
Saturday night I plugged in the hot glue gun, and I got the scissors out cutting the fabric I felt a renewed sense of joy. A tiny dab of glue on her head near here hair and I tucked the head scarf into place. A dab more under her chin on the fabric and she was whole again, and for a moment, so was I.

 I only need a bit of clear fishing line to finish her off and hang her in my kitchen with pride.  I do think I shall name her Nora...
Thank you for joining me today for a cup of tea and a visit with my kitchen witch. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. I think I might have had that same kitchen witch that hung over my sink for many years. I think I finally ditched it on one of our moves (we were a military family) when it got too ratty. Mine had a red head scarf made of felt but the fabric you chose seems just right. Lovely remembrance for you of your Mom.

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