Thursday, June 23, 2016

Cat With A Clue, A Great Bookmobile Cat Mystery!

Tuesday night I finished reading Cat With A Clue, A Bookmobile Cat mystery by Laurie Cass. I had read the first two, a few years back and I loved the concept. The idea of an independent and vertically challenged librarian who lived on a house boat, brought the concept of the bookmobile to life for her library and surrounding areas and who had a cat that stowed away really appealed to me. In this the 5th book in the series I was very pleased with how the characters have grown and that all of the charm and magic of the bookmobile remains. The mystery was a good one and one that made me think. I like it when that happens! This is perhaps my favorite of the series so far! I truly hope that there is a book 6 in the works!
Cat with a Clue is out this August 2nd and is available for pre order on Amazon by clicking here.
To learn more about this series please visit Laurie Cass at her website by clicking here.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery review. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered the Bookmobile Cat Mystery series recently. I actually read the first book earlier this month, and I was quite delighted by it! It was the cat the lured me in (seriously, if a cat is on the cover, I'm probably going to try to read the book), and Eddie was such a charmer. I was also really impressed with Minnie's sleuthing and how the mystery developed. I'm still pretty new to the genre, but so far I've found Lending a Paw to be the most engaging.
