Yesterday was Victoria Day here in Canada and where I live it is a long weekend that happens it seems the weekend before the Memorial Day one in the USA. It is to celebrate Queen Victoria who's birthday is actually the 24th of May. If you don't know this long reigning monarch the simplest way to explain her importance is that she is single handedly responsible for and the great grandmother of our currant queen HRH Queen Elizabeth. She is also the Great Grandmother of Prince Philip, and many other Royal houses of Europe. Queen Victoria and her beloved husband Albert (who was also her first cousin) had 9 children, all whom married into Royal Families and houses of Europe.

Fast forward to yesterday and for the first time ever, I took my youngest son, two of my nieces and my young BFF (and her mother) and we went to the Burnaby Heritage Museum where they had a special event in honor of the Queen's birthday. I could not remember ever going to this Museum even though it is only about 20 minutes from my house, my father said I went when I was about 4 but no photos from that day, I did take more than 100 today though, including this one of the Queen's processional. Doesn't she look wonderful?
It was a great deal of fun and the idea of the day was carried throughout the museum. I rode on a 106 year old horse in the carousel and I got to tour business and homes from the 1900's.
My niece LB and I even got to have tea on one of the porches of the older homes on the property. They even dressed us up in shawls and hats.
It was such a lovely set up and a great memory for us to make.
They also had a modern vendor on site, I had not heard of Iron Dog Books before this book shop on wheels had my attention, it was a bonus highlight of my day. I got two books there and lots of inspiration. I would love for this bookshop to come park outside my place!
My youngest loved "driving" the bookshop on wheels and this was one of his highlights of the day, one of mine as well.
Niece TB was holding on for dear life, this carousel went so fast!
Angela and I goofing around for the camera!
This was a truly memorable way to spend our holiday Monday and I think I would love to visit this Museum as well.
Click here if you would like to take a look at the Museum's Website.
My friends tell me that this is a wonderful spot at Christmas time as well. I cannot wait to go then.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy holiday report. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at