Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Blessedly Stressed and Surviving ...

Blessedly Stressed and therefore I have not had a chance to finish my book. But as I write this it is 10:39 pm and while I have only a few chapters left to go, I have just gotten home from a very long but Blessedly Stressed day, and do not want to rush the ending.

Somehow this day started far earlier than I had anticipated, was filled with plot twists and unexpected delights as well. In the end I got to spend the evening with my family and my hockey family, helping to build a community and send our team to a tournament in the Spring.

I also am running a 24/7 event on The Beyond The Bookmarks Page that I am finding to be the most wonderful experience. Meeting and sharing crafts, recipes, books, and more, giving me something wonderful to do this holiday season. 
A huge thank you to any and all who have joined us so far. 

If you ever need something done ask a busy person, if you need the impossible done ask a mom. I have the pleasure of working with some amazing people in my life both online and in real life. I am grateful for each and everyone of them.

I promise to be back with a review tomorrow and to live in the moment today.
Thank you for joining me here for a cup of tea and a day in reflection. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com

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