I downloaded and read Bakeries & Bones by Nic Roberts on Thursday evening free from Amazon and I read it on Friday. It is a quick and wonderful prequel to a perfect cozy mystery series that I highly recommend. A charming cozy short at 53 pages and was exactly what I needed on my cold, damp and wet Friday. I settled in with my cup of tea a few of the last shortbread cookies and thoroughly enjoyed this read. I recommend it and look forward to hearing what you think of it. You can find it on Amazon by clicking here.
Sticks and Bones and…Baker's Stones?To most people, Ally Wescott has an idyllic life. Engaged to a French banker, a quaint apartment in Greater London, an array of amazing friends and a family friend whose bakery she gets to spend her free time in, polishing her passion for making sweet treats. What could possibly go wrong?She’s about to find out.A surprise letter, a wavering fiancé and the discovery of bones are about to shake her peaceful world to the core, and this time, a cup of tea and a slice of apple pie won’t fix the major upheaval in her life… or will it?
Thank you for joining me here for a cup of tea and a cozy short free mystery review. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Saturday, December 30, 2017
On My Table and In My Cup December 23rd-30th
Here we are last Saturday of 2017 already. What a week this has been, never really sure what day it is, checking the calendar as I went to be sure then cross checking it with the phone and computer. I hope I am not alone in this. What a week for sure. I have survived Christmas, entertained family, had dental surgery, continued running my 24/7 event on Beyond The Bookmarks and somehow managed to even find, make that make time to read this week.
I finished the Free cozy Bakeries & Bones by Nic Roberts Friday afternoon, will be sharing my review tomorrow. A cozy short mystery you are going to enjoy I know so if you can download it and read it now!
This week I read and reviewed Dial M for Mousse, which is from a series I very much enjoyed by Laura Bradford. This one is out January 2nd...
On my table a new teacup, saucer and spoon I was given as a gift on Christmas Eve from a friend, my niece LB loved it so much and was the first to point it out at Christmas dinner, I think I should let her enjoy it next tea party.
Christmas Eve as a different one for us this year, filled with plot twists, with highs and lows. Sick parents, friends and with all my boys in on the True aspect of Christmas giving and elfing, the stress I normally faced every 8 pm on Christmas Eve fully dissipated and I am pleased to say we still managed to capture that true magic of Christmas, on Christmas morning.
See me, Christmas Eve just before bed, cold but happy and we had a white Christmas here, which I feel as though I can count on one hand the amount of times that has happened in my adult life.
My absolutely stunning tree is still up, which for me is not normal, usually I have it down Boxing Day or even as early as Christmas Day in years past. This year however my wonderful mother in law lent us her amazing tree and my very talented sister in law decorated the tree for us and it is as close to perfection as I think possible. I have so enjoyed it and this year for the first time in years I am really going to miss it when it is gone. Truly felt like a season of many blessings and felt as though we had lots of support and love from our family and community. Maybe not the best Christmas we ever had but certainly one of the most enjoyable in years. Not stress free, but learning to embrace the Holiday Plot Twists made getting through those stressful moments not turn into a stressful season. Let's just say it was Blessedly Stressed, not overwhelming this year.
In my cup this week I have had so many wonderful different types of teas. Mostly black teas, though I have learned to love my Strawberry Matcha Tea mixed with Orange Juice and I will tell you that I feel like I have more energy throughout the day when I drink it, perhaps it is all just in my head but either way I am grateful.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to join me these last 52 Saturdays for a lookback at what has been on my table and in my cup. I treasure the relationships I have made, the connections with authors, readers and so many people I now call friends because of the books I read and the teas I enjoy. Thank you for joining me here. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
I finished the Free cozy Bakeries & Bones by Nic Roberts Friday afternoon, will be sharing my review tomorrow. A cozy short mystery you are going to enjoy I know so if you can download it and read it now!
This week I read and reviewed Dial M for Mousse, which is from a series I very much enjoyed by Laura Bradford. This one is out January 2nd...
On my table a new teacup, saucer and spoon I was given as a gift on Christmas Eve from a friend, my niece LB loved it so much and was the first to point it out at Christmas dinner, I think I should let her enjoy it next tea party.
Christmas Eve as a different one for us this year, filled with plot twists, with highs and lows. Sick parents, friends and with all my boys in on the True aspect of Christmas giving and elfing, the stress I normally faced every 8 pm on Christmas Eve fully dissipated and I am pleased to say we still managed to capture that true magic of Christmas, on Christmas morning.
See me, Christmas Eve just before bed, cold but happy and we had a white Christmas here, which I feel as though I can count on one hand the amount of times that has happened in my adult life.
My absolutely stunning tree is still up, which for me is not normal, usually I have it down Boxing Day or even as early as Christmas Day in years past. This year however my wonderful mother in law lent us her amazing tree and my very talented sister in law decorated the tree for us and it is as close to perfection as I think possible. I have so enjoyed it and this year for the first time in years I am really going to miss it when it is gone. Truly felt like a season of many blessings and felt as though we had lots of support and love from our family and community. Maybe not the best Christmas we ever had but certainly one of the most enjoyable in years. Not stress free, but learning to embrace the Holiday Plot Twists made getting through those stressful moments not turn into a stressful season. Let's just say it was Blessedly Stressed, not overwhelming this year.
In my cup this week I have had so many wonderful different types of teas. Mostly black teas, though I have learned to love my Strawberry Matcha Tea mixed with Orange Juice and I will tell you that I feel like I have more energy throughout the day when I drink it, perhaps it is all just in my head but either way I am grateful.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to join me these last 52 Saturdays for a lookback at what has been on my table and in my cup. I treasure the relationships I have made, the connections with authors, readers and so many people I now call friends because of the books I read and the teas I enjoy. Thank you for joining me here. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Friday, December 29, 2017
Dial M For Mousse by Laura Bradford
Last night I finished Dial M for Mousse by Laura Bradford this is the 3rd book in the Emergency Dessert Squad Mystery series. There is something really special in the relationships that Laura writes and the importance she assigns her characters. I love that her characters are not all in their 30's. I appreciate that those who are "north of 75", play a major role not only in the book but in the day to day lives of the characters. While I find the idea of the dessert squad fun, I love the cozy even more for the relationships than the desserts, which is saying a lot as the desserts are very smart and sound fantastic. It is wonderful to see that life goes on and evolves for everyone and that the curious mind doesn't rest and is valuable at any age. This one is out January 2nd and has moments that make you laugh and make you want to cry a happy tear or two. This is a lovely series that will leave you with that cozy feeling and hope in your heart.
The Emergency Dessert Squad business is booming, with owner and baker Winnie Johnson working overtime to satisfy the emergency cravings of Silver Lake, Ohio. Her latest order, a plate of motivational desserts for an artists’ retreat, is just what she needs to keep her mind off her own relationship woes. But Winnie’s problems seem like trifles when she discovers the body of retreat owner Sally Dearfield mere inches away from five oh-so-eccentric and viable suspects. Now, this baking detective must uncover the inspiration behind Sally’s murder before another creative genius is iced.You can pre order on Amazon by clicking here.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery review. I would love to here from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Goals for 2018
Do you make resolutions or goals for the new year? I always have and yet we are almost at the end of the year and making a list is somewhat daunting. In the past I usually do follow through and complete most of them, usually because the goals i pick are not only attainable but usually prefered activities. I am all about setting up for success and not failure.
So thinking along the lines of goals or resolutions I write today's blog. I did not get much reading done at all so I did not finish a book to review so I am tackling the next thing on my list. Rather than come up with the usual 10, I think that three might even be a stretch for me this year.My first goal is to buy and read this book...It has sat on my wish list now for more than three years and it is time I finally get it. Having been a lifelong admirer of lighthouses and their keepers, I would love to drop everything and move into and restore a lighthouse.
Goal number two Goodreads Reading Challenge, this year I set the goal as 100 books and I know that I have read 178+ books this year. The year before I was able to get close to 100 as well. I read so many amazing books this year and 2018 is already shaping up to be a good one!
Goal number three, continuing with my writing. Finding the courage to be more brave and practice with the short story and hope to make into longer. This is not easy for me, especially the sharing part. I did so a few weeks ago and you were all so kind, I would like to try to do this more often. Maybe even twice next year.
*Bonus, I really would love a wax stamp like the one shown on the letter there, so maybe I have two goals...I must have crayons and a potato here I could make a stamp from...
Thank you for indulging me again today. I look forward to sharing more reviews with you again soon. I appreciate you joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery each and every day.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Does Anyone Know What Day It Is?
I am at the point in the holidays where I don't know what day it is anymore. Honestly I must have ask two or three times yesterday "what day is it?" I know it is the 27th and I know that yesterday was boxing day but honestly the day of the week seems to have escaped me. The only reason I am worried is I have a bunch of things coming up I can not miss, like Dental Surgery at 7 am Thursday morning which I hope today is not. Seriously who books a dental procedure at that time of day?
On a serious note I have not had time to read. I had only the best of intention, if only sitting and reading had been an option. Tis' the season of Plot Twists and time that gets away from you.
So from my snowy corner of the West Coast I shall attempt to read without falling into a long winter slumber.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a winter holiday confessional. I look forward to sharing more with you tomorrow. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Christmas Spirit by Morgana Best
I finished Morgana Best's Christmas Spirit just shy of midnight. This was a great story that I found this week on Amazon.com Free! A delightful ghost story for Christmas with the right amount of mystery, family antics and a perfect ending twist. I liked the cover which is what drew me to the book but I will say that the main character is really less of a witch and more of medium. Lovely to have found a ghost story to read over Christmas and one set that is set in Australia as well!
This one is currently free on Amazon.com at time of publishing this post you can find your copy by clicking here.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery review I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Monday, December 25, 2017
So This Is Christmas...
It is here again, Christmas morning and here on the west coast we have leftover snow from last Tuesday so it is a White Christmas here. The above is a selfie I took after performing the "ritual of the gifts", cold in my living room so wearing my reading blanket as a shall.
I hope that when you woke this morning that you were comfortable, and that you are in a place of comfort even in the Christmas morning Chaos.
I try not to have an overly complicated Christmas, the keyword is try. There are these things in life that I now call "Plot Twists" that kept popping in and making things interesting . In trying to keep things simple, life often steps in and takes over. Like the flu, or a snowfall that was unexpected or my crown and tooth attached that popped out last week after only a few months...
In the hype and sensory overload of the holidays I try very much to take the bad with the good and found myself going out of the way to avoid things that usually cause me a great deal of anxiety. I have also had some truly wonderful friends reach out and help out this holiday season and I will be forever grateful for their support.
I made a point of taking a little more time this year to just listen to things that made me laugh, chose to listen to music that made me more happy, and tried to avoid the news, watched movies that made me feel "Christmassy" and over ate things I truly loved (even when it did not love me).
"Booked for the Holidays" is an event on my Beyond The Bookmarks page, I have been running full time since the first of December and I can not thank all of you who have joined us since the start of this 24/7 month long celebration on Facebook. A huge thank you to the more than 38+ authors who have joined us and given us their time and some goodies along the way this month so far! Don't forget to drop by and say hello on the event from time to time, the event runs right through until midnight on December 31st. Click here to come and join in the fun.
I even wrote and published a short holiday story I shared, here is the link in case you missed it! Click here for Please Use The Guest Towels.
I feel more relaxed this Christmas at least I write this, and yet I am waiting for the other shoe to fall. I am sure I have forgotten something or someone this holiday season and as I write this, having just put out the gifts under the tree I hear the tale tell sounds of paper ripping and notice that our cat Mia who has shown zero interest in the tree until this very moment is working her way through and under the gifts...if the tree comes down too I may laugh and not cry. The above photo I found a bit to late this year, but I am going to start making and handing these out for next year! Simply brilliant!
The stores have long since closed and if I have forgotten anything it is too late anyway. I also know that what is truly important can not be bought, or found under the tree and with that I thank you for spending some of your Christmas day with me.
From my table to yours I wish you all the best that this season has to offer.
Thank you for joining me here for a cup of tea and a Christmas reflection...
I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmial.com
Sunday, December 24, 2017
CeeCee James Cherry Pie or Die
Friday night I finished Cherry Pie of Die which is a first in series by CeeCee James. This is a new cozy mystery which is expected out early next year and I was very thrilled to be one of the first people to read it. The main character is a bit of a mystery herself and I love that she remains that way for most of the story. Working for her "aunt" and returning to a small town way of life rooted in history both personal and geographical.
The bed and breakfast is full of suspects and a grumpy neighbor round out the cast. I found this to be a very good start to the series and I think cozy mystery fans are going to love this new series by CeeCee James.
You can learn more about CeeCee James by clicking here.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery review I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Saturday, December 23, 2017
On My Table and In My Cup December 16th- 23rd
Blinking and thinking about the tidal wave of a week we have just had passed as we gear up for the big days yet ahead. I felt like I was just treading water this week and took the wonderful highs, with a few lows. I can not believe that I am going to blink again and it will be Christmas Eve, Day and the New Year. Thursday was the first day of the 12 days of Christmas, also known as Yule, and the Winter Solstice. The above photo is for my table and this is my yule log.
Yesterday I added one of my newer Snowbabies to the table, at the time we were expecting more snow and we were lucky not to get more just yet, I think this is my good luck charm!
Don't get me wrong, we did have snow, so much that snuck up on us on Tuesday it pretty well shut the city down. Traffic was awful and roads very much unsafe. I took this after the second round of shoveling I did...
you may look at this photo and laugh, as this is likely not much snow for where you live but here it is quite a bit. It was 4 inches when it stopped and yes when you live on the West Coast of Canada as I do, just Three hours North of Seattle, you don't expect to get snow often or very much. The novelty of it wears off quickly and while it looks great from the window, if you have to go anywhere it is a nightmare. More snow is forecast for Christmas Day, who knows we may actually have a white Christmas here after all.
I am reading CeeCee James newest cozy called Cherry Pie or Die, I am very much loving this story and due to the snow, three Christmas Concerts and a two hour dental appointment has found me carrying the book around and not getting time to sit and binge read as I would like! I will share the review tomorrow though!
I downloaded and read a great little cozy short story this week by Gin Jones it was a free one on Amazon this week and a lovely book to read while I enjoyed tea and shortbread from one of my friends.
I did manage to also get The Hostess With the Ghostess read this week as well.
I will leave you here today, some much needed last minute shopping I must do and hope that you are all enjoying your Saturday.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a week in review. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Yesterday I added one of my newer Snowbabies to the table, at the time we were expecting more snow and we were lucky not to get more just yet, I think this is my good luck charm!
Don't get me wrong, we did have snow, so much that snuck up on us on Tuesday it pretty well shut the city down. Traffic was awful and roads very much unsafe. I took this after the second round of shoveling I did...
you may look at this photo and laugh, as this is likely not much snow for where you live but here it is quite a bit. It was 4 inches when it stopped and yes when you live on the West Coast of Canada as I do, just Three hours North of Seattle, you don't expect to get snow often or very much. The novelty of it wears off quickly and while it looks great from the window, if you have to go anywhere it is a nightmare. More snow is forecast for Christmas Day, who knows we may actually have a white Christmas here after all.
I am reading CeeCee James newest cozy called Cherry Pie or Die, I am very much loving this story and due to the snow, three Christmas Concerts and a two hour dental appointment has found me carrying the book around and not getting time to sit and binge read as I would like! I will share the review tomorrow though!
I downloaded and read a great little cozy short story this week by Gin Jones it was a free one on Amazon this week and a lovely book to read while I enjoyed tea and shortbread from one of my friends.
I did manage to also get The Hostess With the Ghostess read this week as well.
I will leave you here today, some much needed last minute shopping I must do and hope that you are all enjoying your Saturday.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a week in review. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Friday, December 22, 2017
Fancy Friday Finds, Etsy Printables To Keep or Gift This Christmas
Are you looking for some last minute gifts, have a printer and are out of time? Check out today's Fancy Friday Finds!
First up is this printable calendar that is also a coloring book, simply print your pages, pair with a clipboard and some markers and you have a great gift! I loved this one and you might too! Click here to see it listed in the by Sarah Renae Clark Etsy shop Price is great too, under $7 Canadian.
How about making a Reading Log for someone you love? I think this is really cool, you can print your own pages and the listing is under $4 CND at Ferona Supplies. Click here for listing and shop.
Lastly I loved this Chalkboard Themed Recipe Binder Kit, I would love to have this one actually you can find it in the Plan Everything Etsy shop for under $15 CND by clicking here.
Thank you for joining me here today for a cup of tea and some Fancy Friday Finds. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
First up is this printable calendar that is also a coloring book, simply print your pages, pair with a clipboard and some markers and you have a great gift! I loved this one and you might too! Click here to see it listed in the by Sarah Renae Clark Etsy shop Price is great too, under $7 Canadian.
How about making a Reading Log for someone you love? I think this is really cool, you can print your own pages and the listing is under $4 CND at Ferona Supplies. Click here for listing and shop.
Lastly I loved this Chalkboard Themed Recipe Binder Kit, I would love to have this one actually you can find it in the Plan Everything Etsy shop for under $15 CND by clicking here.
Thank you for joining me here today for a cup of tea and some Fancy Friday Finds. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Winter Solstice Blessings of Yule To You and Yours!
Today is the winter solstice Blessed May You Be!
Today I will light my Yule Log and remember all I have learned this year, all the wonderful books I have read, tea I have enjoyed and friends I have spent time with.
I have come across a tea company called Solstice Tea and you can check out their teas by clicking here.
Below I share links on Amazon to books I have read this year that are perfect for today. I am not an Amazon affiliate and I do not make money if you click the links. Just wanted to share...
A great Yuletide Solstice Reas is Jennifer David Hesse's Yuletide Homicide, her most recent in the series and in my opinion the best! This one is out now and you can find it on Amazon.com by clicking here.
Today I will light my Yule Log and remember all I have learned this year, all the wonderful books I have read, tea I have enjoyed and friends I have spent time with.
I have come across a tea company called Solstice Tea and you can check out their teas by clicking here.
Below I share links on Amazon to books I have read this year that are perfect for today. I am not an Amazon affiliate and I do not make money if you click the links. Just wanted to share...
A great Yuletide Solstice Reas is Jennifer David Hesse's Yuletide Homicide, her most recent in the series and in my opinion the best! This one is out now and you can find it on Amazon.com by clicking here.
In August I reviewed and loved Monica Crosson's Magicakal Family, so much so that I ordered it in paperback for myself. I have this wonderfully written book to refer to and learn from and it is out now and you can find it on Amazon by clicking here.
I hope you have a safe and wonderful holiday season and as the days return to longer and more light, may your heart feel lighter too.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
Welcome To Today's Stop for The Santa Ride December 21st!
Today is the day!
The Santa’s Ride stop for December 21st is A Cup Of Tea and A Cozy Mystery. To be entered to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card, simply access the attached rafflecopter http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/df645d05422/ and follow the links. The Winner will be announced tomorrow on Kathi Daley Books author page www.facebook.com/kathidaleybooks.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
A (Gingerbread) Diorama of Death by Gin Jones
Well last night I read a short cozy called A (Gingerbread) Diorama of Death by Gin Jones. This is a free download or was on December 19th. This 57 paged book was exactly what I needed after a long day of shoveling snow. This is not a series I knew but was drawn to the cover and title. Perfectly matched to the lovely mystery attached to it. I very much enjoyed the idea of a gingerbread contest in a local nursing home. The small town politics, people and places that cozy mysteries champion and cozy readers love. I was guessing until the reveal and this story made me want to read more of this story and learn more about the characters in the story. A good holiday cozy short and treat to have had on my table with my tea and cookies.
How could something as sweet and wholesome as a gingerbread-house contest lead to a murder investigation? Just include the ex-first-lady of Massachusetts, Helen Binney, on the judging panel and require a unanimous decision for the prizes. The other judges are dampening Helen's Christmas spirit, and she's beginning to think that someone involved in the contest is a killer targeting her friends at the nursing home. Could it be the local politician who would do anything to hold onto her power, the wealthy invalid who guilts people into acting against their own beliefs, or the male nurse who looks a lot more like a bodyguard/assassin? Helen is determined to find out, no matter how many cookies she has to crumble! Helen Binney Mysteries:A Dose of Death – book #1A Denial of Death – book #2A (Gingerbread) Diorama of Death – holiday short storyA Draw of Death – book #3A Dawn of Death – book #4A Darling of Death – book #5
You can find this book on Amazon by clicking here.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery review. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
How could something as sweet and wholesome as a gingerbread-house contest lead to a murder investigation? Just include the ex-first-lady of Massachusetts, Helen Binney, on the judging panel and require a unanimous decision for the prizes. The other judges are dampening Helen's Christmas spirit, and she's beginning to think that someone involved in the contest is a killer targeting her friends at the nursing home. Could it be the local politician who would do anything to hold onto her power, the wealthy invalid who guilts people into acting against their own beliefs, or the male nurse who looks a lot more like a bodyguard/assassin? Helen is determined to find out, no matter how many cookies she has to crumble! Helen Binney Mysteries:A Dose of Death – book #1A Denial of Death – book #2A (Gingerbread) Diorama of Death – holiday short storyA Draw of Death – book #3A Dawn of Death – book #4A Darling of Death – book #5
You can find this book on Amazon by clicking here.
Thank you for joining me for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery review. I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
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